Why be negative? I don't understand?


Personally, I am happy about the new beg/int dvds. I want to have some workouts that aren't so intense for the day I am short on time or energy. :)

What I don't understand is people that post to the threads about the new dvds saying "I am not interested" etc...Why post that? Why do some feel the need to be negative and dis the new workouts? This board is for support and motivation, not complaining.

Isn't it?
I don't think people are being negative towards her dvds. I myself am happy that cathe is reaching to the beg/inter. When I say I wouldn't order it is I have to have an intense workout. But that doesn't make her new ones horrible. I just prefer the advanced ones.We all love cathe, but we also have a level we can do and enjoy.

Hope this helps some.

As long as we're enjoying cathes workouts it doesn't matter whether if we're beg/inter, or advanced. As long as we're trying to stay fit and be healthy.


From what I saw nobody dissed the new workouts. They are for beginner to intermediate and the majority of those that post here are advanced exercisers. All I have seen posted are the advanced people saying they don't want to spend their money on beg/int workouts but they are happy that Cathe has this new endeavor.:) :)

Oh, and I've gotten nothing but support from the other women here. They are the greatest!!:D :D :D
I've only seen a comment here and there that could be deemed unnecessarily negative. I agree with you. There's no point to it.

I'm new to Cathe and I'm looking forward to the new workouts. I've been working out consistently for almost two years so I'm not a beginner. But, every program does things a little different than another so I'm getting used to Cathe's cueing and choreography style. I welcome starting off with something that is more basic to get over the learning curve.

I plan to move up to the more advanced workouts and use the new workouts as supplements to my existing program. There's a place for everything if you have some imagination.
I may have missed some posts, but I don't think I heard any negativity in what I did read. The main reason I saw was that some already had the intermed/beg w/o's already and didn't want to invest in more in that level. They are saving their money for the next advanced series like me!!

I appauld Cathe for covering all levels of fitness.
Those selfish bums! ;) Just kidding! I think it is wonderful. I can't think how many times I have tried to get someone to try Cathe only to have them find her workouts too hard and too intimidating. And they are so.... I am looking forward to buying them at Target and chasing down my friends who want to workout but just can't find the right workouts. With Cathe's amazing abilities, why shouldn't we share her with beginners? There's the bonus that I too might use them since my feet, knees and hips are convinced I am an old lady. Bad feet, knees and hips! :D
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Advanced exercisers might be able to use the 'beginner' tapes for recovery periods from work out injuries or any other injuries. Maybe even a good way to get pre-teen kids into the work outs. Basic step & body fusion were tough for me at first & I definitely wasn't a beginner when I found Cathe. I wish Cathe had the new beginner tapes out when I started using her workouts.
I have not seen negative posts about the new workouts. I would like to buy the step dvd but maybe I won't do it. I am an advanced exerciser and I have lot of workouts to do. I am now doing the P90X and when I will finish the P90X first round I want to mix the P90X with the hardcore series. I have used the BS/BF dvd only when I was injured too.I will wait for the next advanced workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
I'm not going to name the posters, obviously. What I'm referring to are the posts that say something like "I won't be ordering these" and absolutely nothing else. That just reads as a negative to me, that's all I meant. And I wonder why anyone wants to post that in a thread in the first place? At least an explanation as to WHY you wouldn't order would be helpful. "these are too basic for me" or "I prefer Cathe's more advanced workouts", like that.....
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see comments like that as being necessarily negative, I see them more as just being honest. I'm sure beginner workouts are too basic for some of the posters on here. I also don't see it being negative to say you prefer a more advanced workout to a basic one. That's just my two cents.

As for my guess as to why someone would post something like that in a thread, well if I'm thinking of the same thread you are I think it was titled something like "Are you getting the new DVD's". Whether the answer is "yes" or "no" I think anyone is entitled to answer. Again, just my two cents.:7

I think everyone should be able to post their 2 cents worth whether positive or negative or neutral. I wish I could buy the new workouts for lighter days or days when I'm coming back after illness or vacation, but I'm saving for when Cathe comes out with an advanced series. I know there are a number of people upset that she has gone to one workout per DVD, limiting the premixes and there were some sound issues with the HC series that were not resolved to some customers satisfaction and all these issues need to be brought up even if seen as negative. I will continue to buy Cathe b/c she produces the best advanced workouts on the market,in my opinion. I did not have issue enough with the sound to be upset, but I did notice a difference with the HC's and on one of my GS upper body DVDs the sound goes in and out for a short while. Still, when compared to everyone else she makes the best workouts and I will preorder again. I know a lot of people were worried about stating their problems or "negative" experiences with the HC's on this website and I think that is a shame. If we're never negative or never state what our issues are nothing would change. That being said, there is a way to do it and I'm not advocating the way particular posters seem to have to state their dislike of one particular thing EVERY time they post or those who have to post a negative or turn the thread into exessive joking EVERY time a Cathe thread is started(another forum). Well, I'm not usually one to be so "talkative" on subjects such as this.
I think most thought you were asking who was going to buy, and basically most either are short on money so only can buy the DVDs for their current level. So most aren't interested in because the DVD isn't good, but the fact, it's just not possible to spend more money right now. And it's easier to be a bit negative then admit it's a money situation. For me I'll probably grab them, if I don't use them, I'm sure my clients will as they always ask for something difficult kind of like what I do, while they are on vaction. They keep telling me I'm a killer with exercise, and I probably am. I am use to the sports teams and having to push them as hard as I can to meet this or that goal in a short amount of time, and it trickles down into when I train the normal exerciser. So these being shorter and cheaper, will be perfect buisness write off. As well as the fact that there is a bonus no one sees, if these *new* ones go good, we will all be saving money, as it will get more people to want the harder ones, and more demand, lower cost. ;-) So go permote them, and really get them out in the market, then you can collect all the Cathe workouts.


Some people are more blunt than others. I tend to say things exactly how I feel. At my age and life experience, I've found I'd rather not beat around the bush. Life is too short to always say things nicey, nicey.

We all express our views differently. If we didn't...just imagine the Stepford Wives atmosphere it would be here, LOL :)
Stepford Wives?? I would be just like a Firm workout! lol

Joke, joke, I know some of you are Firmies. ;-)

Yeah, Marie. You got it! :)

I started with the FIRM which lead me to Cathe so I am thankful they exist. But, their later stuff does fit that description :D
I'm with Katie. The question was are you getting the new DVDs. Why is a "no" any worse than a "yes"? If the no's didn't answer, it would just sound like everyone was buying them. A forum where every hint of a "no" is suppressed would be unreal and boring.

Besides, SNM didn't design these workouts for us. They were just kind enough to offer them to us separately from the Step because they knew that some of us would be asking about them.
It's not surprising to me that there are a lot of "no's". It isn't negative but a demographic shift resulting from Cathe's wise choice to tap into a new market, the beginner/intermediate exerciser. The reason I started buying Cathe workouts 4 or 5 years ago was completely owing to the fact that they were advanced. There are tons of workouts on the market but very few cater to the seasoned exerciser who wants to be pushed harder and further, Cathe was (and is) in a league of her own. I admit that personally I am disappointed that she is producing workouts that don't interest me but I think it's wonderful that a whole new population will be able to experience the thrill of getting fitter and stronger with Cathe.

Take Care

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