Why am I starting to get sick now?


I'm 14 weeks pregnant and just in last week I've thrown up twice, both times late at night. I take my prenatal vitamin before I go to bed - do you think that's a culprit? I'm afraid to stop taking it because my appetite is non-existent and I'm not eating a lot of fruits and veggies. Should I be worried about getting sick? I never threw up at all in the first trimester. I just thought I was starting to feel better, and now this!
prenatal vitamins

When I was pregnant with my son the only time I threw up was when I took my prenatal vitamin on an empty stomach before I went to bed. After that I always took my prenatal vitamin with my dinner and didn't have any more problems.

Hope this helps!
Tried vitamins with dinner last night

I took my pre-natal with dinner last night and didn't throw up - yay. It's weird because the pharmacist specifically told me to take it on an empty stomach - I though that sounded weird, but who am I to say? I guess then again I took them for about a month and only threw up twice recently, so who knows - maybe there are other causes for my nausea. I'm still queasier than I thought I would be after I got past the 1st trimester. Bummer.
glad you felt better last night

I think the pharmacist or the insert on mine had said to take the vitamins on an empty stomach too but my best friend had a baby the year before me and warned me about taking them with dinner. She never had a problem with them making her nauseous after she started taking them with dinner. This might be too much information but the time I got sick from taking the vitamins on an empty stomach, I basically threw up only the vitamin and had a really metallic taste in my mouth which is how I determined that it was the vitamin that made me sick rather than something else. I don't know if you've tried this but I found if I ate smaller servings more frequently I felt better than if I hate bigger servings less frequently. It really seemed to help to have something in my stomach most of the time.

Good luck!
I'm in the same boat...

I'm constantly nauseous, but haven't thrown up during my pregnancy thus far (14 weeks). I have very little appetite, but I try to eat nutritionally dense foods. I know the prenatal vitamin is to blame for some of my nausea - I even went back to the OB and got a prenatal that's time-released (supposedly prevents some of the nausea). The nurse I talked to recommended taking it at night with something (glass of milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.) to reduce the nausea. If night time is bad for you, take it with a meal. Personally, my nausea was worse at night, so I took the vitamin at lunchtime. I think you're supposed to take it on an empty stomach because you'd absorb more nutrients from the vitamin, but if you're eating good foods, it's not as crucial.
What are the nutritionally dense foods you eat?

My appetite is just terrible. I think I could exist on Pixie sticks alone! I could use some nutritional tips that I could try to integrate into my diet. I think I will try taking my "prenate" (as I'm calling them these days) with a glass of milk. That sounds like a good way to get in some more calcium too. Thanks for the tips. - Sarah
What works for me....

I take my prenatal at bed time with a glass of milk. If you are looking for a great "super packed nutricious food I strongly recommend canned salmon. Squish the bones and leave in, very high in calcium, great protein source and not to mention those essential Omega-6 acids.
Now not everyone likes fish so I understand the reluctance but make it into a salad, add celery, a little onion, whatever you fancy. ;o)
Very tasty!!!
What I try to eat...

I was a very healthy eater before pregnancy (lots of fish, tofu, and veggies, no red meat). With pregnancy, my tastes (and cravings) have changed. The thought of tofu sends me to the bathroom to "sing the porcelain yodel". I've been doing bean salads (the only salads I crave lately), split pea soup, lentil dals, roasted soy nut butter on whole grain breads, yogurt, brown rice, and mustard greens. Downed with some fresh lemonade that my hubby makes for "THE BABY" (not for me). I've been fighting my unhealthy cravings (hot dogs, cold cuts) by buying the soy alternatives. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And I couldn't refuse the call of the French fry siren last week. Oh well. I believe in eating what you crave (or a close approximation thereto). Good luck.
I don't take the vitamins

I know that sounds terrible to you. I get very sick and am not a good pill taker anyway. Get real gaggy. And the chewables taste like something funky. I didn't take them with my first after trying to for weeks. And I haven't taken any with this one. I am halfway there and still don't feel quite normal in the belly. I don't worry too much about food cause I don't have an appetite either. I just try to eat what I want. Please don't worry too much about it. I'm not saying it isn't important, but don't give yourself too much stress either as that's no good.
Thanks to everyone for their input!

I really appreciate your feedback on this issue that's been troubling me. I took a couple days off from the "prenates" and then went back to them. I've been taking my pills with dinner and a glass of milk and no "upchuck" so far. I appreciate the nutrition advice from everyone and Andrea for telling me not to worry about it so much. Both are helpful. I'll try to do what I can without torturing myself. I have my 16 week checkup next week so I hope everything's cool!

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