Why am I sore from a wimpy day?


If anybody can help me figure this out, I would sure appericate it. Yeaterday I was feeling kinda' wimpy from the 4th's festivities. So I did BodyMaxon a 6" step and kept my weights to half of what I normally do. Today my muscles are sore!! I don't get it!! Was I still just too tired from the day before? Or maybe my form was better[I didn't notice a difference in that]? If Cathe or anybody can explain this to me I'd love to know why. Thanks guys!!! Aimee
sore muscles from a wimpy day

Hi Aimee-
Sometimes it takes two days to feel soreness, instead of one. I find that when I do heavy leg work , i.e. squats w/ heavy barbells, I am sore two days later. Did you exercise really intensely on the 4th?
Also, keep in mind that you probably did use better form w/ the lighter weights and lower step..Perhaps you jumped higher, and/or contracted your muscles harder during the strength section. Even though you felt like your "wimping out", it was probably still different movement than what you normally do at the higher capacity..You probably shocked your muscles a bit, thus leading to some soreness.
Good luck and hope you "de-sore" quickly!
Hi Lynn,

I'm less sore today. Did the Wedding all the way through and loved it[my first time ever doing the video]!! To answer your question on the 4th. No, all I did was march in a parade and ride my bike up to my son's baseball game. I guess that's why I think it's so weird. I felt like a slug from overindulging on Tues. then took it easy on Wed. and I got sore!! Maybe it was better form or higher jumps. All I know was my butt and legs sure felt it!! Have a good one!! Thanks!! Aimee

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