Who's Sean?

I'm getting so excited by the prospect of a new Cardio Coach workout!! New Cathe and new Cardio Coach!!! It's so overwhelming...in a good way:7
Oh - that's cool. I don't do anything suitable, however, so I can't partake. I generally (occassionally) do NordicTrak while watching TV (particularly during football season). Otherwise, it's pretty much all Cathe all the time (occassional Firm or Tae Bo or Yoga/Pilates). And....I don't have an MP3 player either! Wow - I'm so out of it! haha
(although he is quite cute)
I don't have an MP3 player either, I just use the cd. He is great and his workouts are awesome. You should get one to try on your NordicTrak.
>I'm getting so excited by the prospect of a new Cardio Coach
>workout!! New Cathe and new Cardio Coach!!! It's so
>overwhelming...in a good way:7

What new cardio coach workout?????? I'm a huge fan. Cathe and Sean are the only ones that can motivate meo push myself.

Is this workout coming out before Cathe's new stuff?
Thanks for the link.

Cardio Coach has amazing customer service. I am "techie challenged" and they have burned me a "CD" of press play so I wouldn't have to download and burn it myself. Just so there is no confusion, I paid for it but wasn't that nice of them? They could have just sent me the link and told me to burn it myself.

I remember my mom had some difficulty ordering from the site so she called and actually spoke to Sean. He was so nice and sent my mom about a half dozen free vol 1's so she could share them with the people at her gym.

I am very loyal to any company that give me good customer service.
I too am super impressed by the way he writes notes on the CD's that I ordered and personally answers e-mail questions. He definitely knows a lot about customer service! It just makes me want to give him my money.:) The guy has to be super busy but makes the time to do the little things that are truly spectacular. I'm amazed!!!!!

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