Who's bringing her husband or significant other?


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone plans to bring her DH or SO and if so, what they can be doing while we are "otherwise engaged" with our Cathe activities.
Hi Abbe! Welcome!!!! :)

Someone else posted the exact same question a few days ago in another thread, so I'll cut & paste my response for you. Hope this helps! ;-)

Hi Kristin!

Each year a handful of spouses travel with their Road Tripper spouses. Cathe graciously offers free use of her gym for the whole RT weekend to Road Trippers' spouses, so perhaps your husband would enjoy that. He can use the equipment and take classes (not RT classes, but there will be LOTS of other classes going on.) If you'd like to preview Cathe's gym (Four Seasons Health Club), go to www.hugeclub.com. It's an awesome place.

The Road Trip events, including planned meals and transportation, are only for registered RT'ers, as I'm sure you understand. That doesn't mean that your husband couldn't come to the restaurant for lunch on Saturday or to the diner on Sunday -- just that he would just need to plan on sitting with some of the other spouses (or you could join him, if you liked), and he'd need to order and pay for his own food.

As for free time, after the RT gets rolling on Friday afternoon there really isn't much. You might be able to break free to see your hubby for a little while between classes if he's also at Cathe's gym. But you're gonna be verrrrrrrrry busy, and you're also, I think, going to want to be spending time getting to know your fellow Road Trippers. If your hubby decides to come with you, it'd probably be best to have him plan on pretty much entertaining himself.

http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/6.gif Kathy S. http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif
I considered bringing my DH last year, but I am so glad I didn't (no offense hon). There really would have been no free time to see him and I enjoyed the whole experience more not having to worry about keeping him occupied. Plus, half the fun was rooming with other RT'ers and spending all your time getting to know your online buds. I do know of ladies who brought their DH though and had no problem with it. They just sent DH on his merry way and saw him at night. For me though, he's staying at home with the dogs! This is MY weekend!!! ;)
My DH came last year and he will be there again this year. He knows that I am there to do the ENTIRE RT thing and only see him at night, but he just loves to travel. He used Cathe's gym once, has a college friend in NJ to visit and then we make a vacation out of it and stay a few extra days and travel. He did not go to any of the meals, but I think there were other husbands that did.

I bringing my husband (Kevin aka kplv2ski) to the RT in July. I'm sure he'll use the gym, but his family lives close by as well.

As last year, my husband and kids are coming and after the Road trip, we are heading to Hershey PA (yum) and then Amish country.

The kids love the time with their dad doing things in Phili like the Liberty Bell (anyone's kids like National Treasure as much as my kids?!!!), and find that their dad does things "differently than me..." no offense taken, but comment noted.

Last year I told the kids that they wouldn't see me much at all, and my youngest thought that the Road trip participants were even sleeping at the gym!


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