<---who knows where the time goes


<---was feeling a bit nostalgic this morning
<---called an old friend over the weekend and that made me think of other old friends
<---still feels she can call them friends, but time, distance, kids, etc have gotten in the way
<---misses them
<---is sorry to see she missed another old friend yesterday
<---sends out a belated HEY! to Melody
<---tells Ame <--never got around to PUB
<---got a huge pile of books at the liberry and considered that her upper body workout
<---says poor DD and DGS had another rough night and wonderful, saintly DH spent most of the night on the couch with DGS
<---only one more sleep until a four week vacation (?!!?)
<--- says good morning to Robin
<--- sends happy sleep vibes to her DD and DGS for tonight
<--- keeps some happy sleep vibes for herself because last night was terrible
<--- hopes all have a lovely Wonderfulday
<--Waves good morning to Miss Robin and Miss Shelly and all who follows!
<--Hopes Robin gets to see her old friends one day!
<--thinks true friends are SO hard to find
<--likes to think that <--'s has lots of cyber-friends.
<--is a super-uber dork but doesn't care,lol
<--sends some extra sleep vibes to Shelly<--is sorry she didn't have a good night:-(
<--tells Robin that she is in my prayers
<--hope she enjoys her extended vacation!
<--is doing dble ub premix in bm2 today
<--waves to all the loverlies
<--asks Robin if the surery is outpatient or in?
<--hopes the facility is close to home
<--sends bit ((((HUGS))))
<--hopes shel can get to sleep early tonight and get some good zzz's
<--tells Amelia that the dble bdy premix is a good one but <--dreads the dble abs
<--is glad that Catheirne feels so good today!
<--was sick yesterday and is still feeling a little out of sorts
<--hasn't worked out in 2 days :(
<--tells everyone to have a happy monday!

Phyllis http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png


<---Waves good morning to the sleepy heads!
<---Is glad that Robin is remaining positive about her four week vacation! :) Try to have some fun, K? K!
<---Sorry to hear about your DD, DGS and DH...hopes they can get some rest tonight
<---Waves to Shelley and hopes her day goes better than the night
<---Wishes Amelia a good morning and a great day!
<---Glad to hear that Catherine is feeling good this fine Monday morning :)
<---Hopes Phyllis feels better soon!
<---Confesses that DH got Rock Band for his birthday and <---is addicted to it!
<---Says we had family over on Sat and Sun and we all had a blast with it!
<---Cannot play any of the instruments but rocks at the singing part! :)
<---Guesses she is still a kid at heart :)
<---Enjoyed the blog pictures and admits to preorder excitement now! :)
<---Off to get some tea, BBL!
<---won't know when surgery is scheduled until later this afternoon
<---told DH <--'d have to stay up till midnight, eating
<---it will be same day surgery
<---hopes Phyllis feels better and gets a workout in today
<---is glad Catherine feels good this Wonderfulday
<---also feels good, since Monday is my Friday
<---thanks Amelia for her prayers
<---hopes Shelley doesn't suffer too much from her sleeplessness
<---is happy Melissa is excited about preorder
<---wishes she hadn't looked at the blog, since <--won't be preordering
<---has just been handed BGR by a coworker
<--seems to have internet back!
<--finally read yesterday's posts!
<--says internet was down for pretty much the whole weekend
<--is actually slightly envious of Robin's vacation
<--is sorry Shelley had a bad night
<--also had trouble falling asleep and was up until ungodly hours
<--couldn't agree more with Amelia that true friends are hard to find
<--is glad Catherine is feeling perky and hopes Phyllis feels better
<--doesn't know what Rock Band is but now wants it!

<--finally gets to tell Ame: <-- will buy the tracksuit from a local boutique as soon as the top comes in in <--'s size
<--says they don't have a website
<--was not able to find the good color selections, etc. in any dept. store
<--would not recommend the cargo pants for Ame, but Juicy has lots of velour styles
<--would not have considered trying on Juicy couture if not for tneah

<--is thrilled to have internet again!!
<--understands robin's nostalgia
<--thinks it was super nice of mr. robin to take care of greyor
<--wants to know what time robin is having her surgery
<--lol at eating until midnight! heck yeah!
<--hopes shelly has a lovely wonderfulday
<--is sorry her sleep was crap
<--tells amelia that <--also feels the same about <--'s cyber friends
<--finds that <--talks about them as if they are not cyber friends
<--thinks they are as real as friends can get
<--is glad herculena is feeling good today
<--only continues to prove the theory that she truly is herculena
<--is sorry phyllis was feeling out of sorts the past few days
<--really hopes she is feeling better today
<--lol about meliss and rock band
<--also lol about six feet under and the neti pot
<--TOTALLY remembers that scene
<--loved that show and thought the last episode (especially the end) was one of the best finales of any show
<--will probably be doing bosu and kickbox today
<--should do upper body weights but doesn't really have the time
<--is getting a massage to help with piriformis
<--will, hopefully, also help with B&G soreness
<--is happy to report after yesterday's w/o hip or piriformis didn't hurt and still don't (thinks maybe <--caught it in time)
<--thinks it really is from running
<--does not even want to THINK about the possibility of not running again!!! x( x( x(
<--must go
<--will be back and sends hogs and fishies!
<---waves groggily to all
<---says "Hey. Wait. Melody was here???" :D
<---waves to Melody and hopes she's doing well
<---understands Robin's nostaligic feelings
<---feels that way whenever <--- thinks of old friends from places <--- used to live
<---is sorry Shelley had a rough night of sleeping (or rather, NOT sleeping)
<---hopes Amelia has fun with double UB - that's a BURNER! }(
<---is doing the 4DS rotation now, so <--- did HIS this morning
<---is encouraged by Catherine's upbeatness for a Monday morning :)
<---is sorry Phyllis has been sick, and <--- is sending feel better vibes
<---wants to come over to Melissa's and play Rock Band!!! :D
<---soooo wants to get that game for <--- and DH (more for <--- ;) )
<---thinks Nancy is going to be quite fashionable in her boutique track suit :D
<---hopes Lorie's butt massage goes well today ;)
<---has had a LOT of butt massages - it HURTS but in a good way
<---agrees that the piriformis syndrome is almost certainly from running
<---has a ray of hope for Lorie, though
<---RAN yesterday for the first time in about 5 months!!!
<---REALLY RAN!!! (only 2.5 miles, but hey, it's been a long time!)
<---felt great! :D
<---says "If I can recover from PS, then anyone can!" :)
<---won't be running any marathons anytime soon, and will probably limit <---self to running just once a week for a while
<---is just happy to run at all!
<---is off to see what <--- missed over the weekend... bbl!
<--waves good morning to all
<--knows how Robin feels about old friends
<--sorry Robin's DD and DGS had another rough night
<--sends Robin good surgery vibes for tomorrow
<--lol at her eating til midnight
<--sorry about Shelleys bad night
<--sends out better sleep vibes for Shelley tonight
<--hopes Amelia has fun with the tough BM2 upper workout today!
<--glad Catherine is having a good monday!
<--wanted to tell Catherine our Gov (Arnold), says "Caleefornia" for our state.
<--sorry Phyllis is under the weather
<--sends her get better vibes
<--is happy Melissa will preorder now...:)
<--is loving the blog updates
<--says to Nancy..nice workout pants...:D
<--is jealous of Lories massage today
<--loves massage
<--feels confident Lorie will be running strong once again
<--waves wildly to Em
<--soooo happy Em got to run again!!!!!
<--agrees anyone can survive PS...:)
<--off to do some GS legwork
<--says ttfn
<--is back to internet molasses again
<--is awed by all the runners here
<--doesn't think she's built for running
<--can't imagine an over the shoulder boulder holder supportive enough to avoid all tissue damage
<--may just be a wuss but believes what she has read about top heavy women and running
<--is seriously considering that Cathe Fitness weight package for walkers :D
<--assures Nancy..she is NOT a WUSS!!!
<--knows for sure not every body can run
<--has no over the shoulder boulder problems
<--is honorary member of the Itty Bitty Tittie Club...:D
<---is also an IBTer
<---thinks IBT and OAL go together is a kind of weird chanty way
<---sounds like some kind of child's song:
Oh, the IBT of the OAL
Hooray! Hooray!
And the SBT of the OAL
Hooray! Hooray!
It takes all sizes
And it takes all colors
It will make you smile and forget your woes.
Oh, the IBT and the SBT
Of the O (o) A (a) L (l)
<--thinks Nancy has always been a sweetie...:)
<--says Robin about made <--spit out <-- coffee!!
<--http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif[/img] about Robin's new song!
<---is LOL about all the boob discussion :7
<---doesn't think Nance is a wuss, but assures her that <---'s boobages are just fine during running
<---has very supportive sports bras that keep everything from bouncing
<---thinks having babies (and breastfeeding them) is a much more likely cause of boob sagging and deflation
<---is not looking forward to that
<--waves to all and says happy monday :)
<--will bbl later for personals
<--has SO MUCH WORK to catch up on
<--wonders if it's possible to drown in useless paper
<--Assures Evily that having babies does not make for saggy boobs IF you keep up weight training (heavy).
<--Is happy to report <--'s look better than ever. :)
<--Says that's the only body part that <--is OK with.
<--Also ran this weekend for the first time EVER.
<--Attempted a mile.
<--Had to walk a little of it b/c of a stitch (I'm such a dork).
<--Loved it and thinks <--could become hooked on it.
<--Says Oliver and <--are "training" for a "one-mile fun run" for, get this, MULE DAY in the little town south of here in April. LOL
<--Says yes, Mule Day.
<--And yes, ONE mile.
<--Sends hugs to all the OALers, the coolest ladies in the world
<--Hopes Robin keeps us posted on the surgery/recovery
<--Will be worrying/praying for/thinking of her all day tomorrow!
<--Sends Shellers some good sleep vibes for tonight
<--Tells Amelia that <--loves BM2. Hope she has fun!
<--Waves to happy Catherine
<--Sends Phyllis "get-well-soon" vibes!!
<--Is jealous that Melissa is preordering.
<--Hopes all you STSers give full details once you have the new workouts!!
<--Is sorry Nancy had trouble falling asleep last night
<--Tells her the State of the Union speech should do the trick tonight
<--says "Did I just really say that?"
<--Agrees that good friends are rare and special
<--Hopes Lorie enjoys her Bosu workout
<--Has no doubt Lorie WILL be running soon.
<--Says nothing can keep "Sporty Cheetah" from running, not even pirawhatchamacallit!
<--Waves to Carole and Cody!!!
<--Is proud of Evily for her run!!!
<--Would be over-the-moon if <--could run 2.5 miles!!!
<--Must go fix <-- a cup of decaf that <--will pretend is caffeinated. Ugh.

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