Who isn't ordering Hardcore?

I haven't ordered any, as I am fairly new to Cathe within the last year. In some way I am still working up to her, but I switch off
between her and the Firm. I have the Pyramids (my favorite), Slow &
Heavy, MIS, Supersets/Push & Pull & BC/ME. I like her DVDs a lot, but
some of them are rather tough for me, ME comes to mind, I feel like
such a wimp in that one, never even done BC. The others are much
more doable for me, and I need to do them more often. But I will admit it takes me a while to finish a Cathe video, maybe that is
why I don't do them more, I just stick with what is easier for me.
After looking at these Hardcores, Muscle Max and Stretch Max are
likely to end up in my collection in the future. I have recently
added yoga & pilates to my routine and the Stretch Max looks really
appealing to me. I am not sure about the others though. Cathe is
great though, she makes the workouts fun even though they are tough,
I need to do her videos more often, probably the only way I am
going to get stronger, which is what I want.

I guess I'll chime in as the one who has a very tight budget so I can't afford it :( . I have to pick and choose, I own 2 dvd's that I bought online and about 10 workouts I have taped off Fitv, I know I don't get the full effect but I have edited out the commercials so they are about 47 minutes long each. I am saving my pennies because I really want Imax3 :) .
I didn't preorder because I did with the High Step series and didn't end up liking or keeping any of them. Just my personal preference, as I own all the rest of her stuff and do them regularly. I don't think I will buy all of the Hardcore, but will some of them eventually. I have so many weight workouts so will probably buy the cardio, stretch, and ab/core workouts.

I'm not upset or worried that I didn't preorder. Just glad that Cathe is here and still making great workouts. I'll get the ones I want after I hear a few reviews.

Like many of you, I think I need to work myself up to this workout. Also, I can't afford to purchase anything right now, even if I wanted to.
I look forward to seeing the results of others doing the HC series though.
Have a great week everyone!

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