Who is the hottest actor?


Ok, who gets your vote?

I vote for BRAD PITT! I don't care if he can't act, I am not paying attention to what he is saying, anyway. lol

I have to agree with you! We watched Troy over the weekend and even my husband said, "he's beautiful (and I'm not gay)."
I used to think Keanu Reeves. But last time I saw him his hair line was receding.

I still like Tom Cruise. He is shorter than me but arent we all the same height in bed? Oh my, did I really say that? Dont tell my husband! (tee hee)

My semi-SO doesn't understand the Vince Vaughn appeal, but he doesn't have to! I'm anxious for the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You can't go wrong with Johnny Depp in a high calorie environment! }(
I am agree. Brad Pitt in Troy. Marvellous.The most handsome man I have ever seen.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Everyone mentioned. Vincent D'Onofrio. (It's the voice.)

Robert Redford. Ok, I know he's getting old but so am I!:p

I love Brad Pitt's face. I think he's gorgeous.

I also think he's a fabulous actor. Did you see his performance in Twelve Monkies?
Hmmmm...there are so many....I like Brad Pitt, Colin Farrell, Pierce Brosnan, Tom Welling, Denzel Washington, Johnny Depp and I don't care what anyone thinks - I'm still in love with Tom Selleck. Magnum had the best legs!

Here's a kind of weird one...I like Michael Chiklis. He's very sexy in The Shield (even though he's a complete so-and-so). I also dig the guy who plays Sayid on Lost. Those shoulders are just beautiful!

Oh! I forgot about Jude Law. I hear he's super nice too.
I have to agree with Kathy. Although I think Brad is the most gorgeous. I used to drool over Claude Van Damm (I think that's his name). He's cute.


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