Who else is in the late 20's to early 30's?

Woo hoo! Happy birthday Acuarius. I'm going to be 27 in October 10 :). I happen to love the age range in these forums. We are all women (and some men too) that love fitness and are living (or trying to live) healthy. With the differences in age I assume that there have been some differences in points of view, but we all respect each others opinions.
I'm 32. I just had my first child and am trying to get back my pre-pregnancy body. I've lost the weight, but I'm nowhere near the fitness level I had before my son. Even with that said, I'm much, much stronger and fitter after I starting working out with Cathe.

I just turned 34 in december and I still feel like I am 18... people at work are always telling me that I have way too much energy...I tell them it is all the exercise that I do.... they always say "Yeah right"...If only they knew...what we all know...Right???..LOLOL

:) :) :)


The secret to a young mind and body is exercise!!!
Just turned 29... I work out because it makes me feel like I'm doing something good for myself. Lord knows with all those liquid calories I consume, I need it. }(

I'm 32 and have been exercising on and off since I was in my early 20's. My goals personally have changed over the years in that when I was younger, I exercised strictly to look better/lose weight/tone up. Today, I understand and appreciate the important role exercise plays in my over-all health. These days that is as big a factor in why I exercise as the way it makes me look. Exercise had become an integral part of my life over the past 2 1/2 years. I don't know what I would do with out it at this point.

Have a great work out!



I'm 34. I keep telling my kids that mommy is 29 forever. ;)
I told someone recently that I was 35 and then the next day I was thinking...WHAT? I'm not 35. You know you're getting old when you can't even remember how old you are. :eek:

Thanks to all of you. I definitely admire the women in these forums that are older than me! Most of them are definitely in better shape than I am. I enjoy getting feedback from everybody in here. I was just curious.

Once I saw an article -I think it was Muscle and Fitness Hers- that talked about how women in each decade (20's, 30's, 40's, 50's...) picked different types of excersise clothing. I don't remember which one picked which, but as an example...let's say that the 30's like to use short pants and tank tops.

>>>>>>>>>I also find it annoying when people ask me why I try to watch what I eat and work out so much because I'm already "small." It's like they get really pissed when they see someone who's fit trying to be even fitter! But I think our goals are similar to the other women on the forum. <<<<<<<<<<

elaineyue, I totally agree with you. I know that I am not overweight but I'm close to. I know I look OK but I definitely would look at my best if I lost ten to fifteen pounds or drop 2 to three sizes (is the fat what I want to lose). But people don't seem to understand it. They want you to be severely overweight before you start cutting back on your diet. It really pisses me off every time I visit a friend of mine and she obligates me to eat more because I don't "need to lose weight". I don't have an eating disorder and if I do, it is eating too much, not too little. I'm very sure that my perceptions are realistic. I totally agree that the problem is that they are larger and can't conceive someone smaller than them wanting to be even smaller. I understand why they feel insulted, so I try not to make comments about me trying to lose weight, but sometimes it is necessary. Other thing to consider is that I have very small bones and am petite; so even if I'm a little overweight I still look small as a whole. But that doesn't mean I don't have to lose fat. If I gain a few pounds more my face will look too little for my body even if my body still looks good. In other words, I was meant to be small. So, the fact that a person doesn't fill much space doesn't necessarily mean that she is not overweight.

Wow! Sorry for the venting!
I'm like Shirley. I forgot my age the other day at the doc's office. I automatically replied I was 27 when he asked me, but I'm 33. I swear I don't normally do that. Anyway, while I may not be as "skinny " as I used to be at age 26 with size 0 clothing, I feel a lot stronger, healthier & tougher than ever before. It's an awesome feeling.


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