Who else is in the late 20's to early 30's?


Yesterday was my #27 birthday and it got me thinking... There seem to be a lot of women in this forum from the late 30's to the above the 50's. I wonder how many catheites are in the same age group as me. Who else is in her late 20's to early 30's? Do you think it makes a difference in fitness goals or points of view?
I will be 30 in July...aaaggghhhhhh!! It probably does make a difference in fitness goals, with different ages or different lifestyles for that matter. I stay in shape to be healthy, stay young and have a great body!!!
Happy Belated Birthay!

I'll be 30 in June. It's only been in the last few years that I've concentrated on fitness as a lifestyle and I regret all the time I spent as a couch potato! One thing I've noticed among the other Catheites is that a lot of them have more of an acceptance of their bodies than I do. There are some very positive attitudes on the forums.
Actually, there was a poll done on the age group here last week and I think 30-35 year old may have been dominant. I am 32 years old.

I think our goals, for the most part, are the same. If you are or have been working out with Cathe then "in shape" may not be so much as the goal, but the ultimate in fitness and "healthiest and best shape ever" may be the goal. In other words, if your working out with Cathe, you are S-E-R-I-O-U-S!;-)
I will be 32 in a couple of weeks(sigh). I think as I get older, I get smarter about the way I workout. I use to be a cardio junkie until last year. I have realized over the past year that I NEED to weight train to get the results I am looking for. Plus it's good for me! My goals are to stay fit and healthy for myself and family.


edited to add: Happy Birthday Mariela!!
I'll turn 30 in September. I agree with another poster, I workout smarter now by incorporating cardio & weight training. Both are so important for my body. After this baby I want to get into the "best shape of my life" but not necessarily concentrate my efforts on being a super low # on the scale. When I was in high school I only weighed 115 lbs and hardly ate, but looking back at pictures I was skin & bones with no muscle tone. This is not my ideal now. I want muscle and to be able to lift things and play with my kids. It will take a lot of hard work to get there but it will worth it. Hopefully once I reach that point it will be easier to maintain.

Pre-Cathe I would say I want to lose X amount of weight and just do cardio. Now I realize how important a balanced routine & diet are. As the years have progressed I have became more educated by doing my own research into what is good for me instead of letting others tell me what I need to do. (Most of the people I know are not educated like you Catheites and think that you don't need to weight train or do cardio. Boy are they wrong.)
I'll be 26 on March 25th. My goal is to be in as good of shape as all the women around here who are older than me! When i first joined in and discovered Cathe is 40 my jaw dropped to the ground and i thought, "my God! she's 15 years older than me and i can't keep up! i was shocked! just goes to show how clueless i was about fitness and age! Learning alot around here!!!!

I just turned 26. I didn't even start exercising until I was 22 or 23, didn't find Cathe until about 6 months ago, and didn't decide until December to really straighten up my diet (because of this forum!). I also find it annoying when people ask me why I try to watch what I eat and work out so much because I'm already "small." It's like they get really pissed when they see someone who's fit trying to be even fitter! But I think our goals are similar to the other women on the forum. Hey, these women in they 40s and 50s are more fit than I am, so I will gladly take their advice!
I am 28 and feel healthier than ever! Discovered Cathe a few years ago, but have been working out forever it seems! Happy belated Birthday!
If I divide my age in half, I am in my mid-twenties. Does that count? In my opinion, Cathe has made me a "younger" 52 year old if that makes sense. Loving her workouts and, even at my age, I can't wait for Hardcore!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'll be 30 in June. That's a little frightening. But with age comes experience. When I was younger, it was all about the number on the scale. Now that has taken a back seat to how healthy I feel. I want to be strong more than light! :)

I'll join Beverly and Gayle in the 34 club!!! I had this discussion with my DH... am I early 30's or mid 30's... he said early... one of the smartest things he has ever said. :) I want to be healthy, strong, and yep I want to look good! I want a body like Diane Sue for the rest of my life!

I'll join the same club as Beverly, Gayle and Autumn. I'm 34. Still early 30's ...right?
Susan C.M.

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