Who does BOSU?

I got my BOSU at Sports Authority using their 25% off coupon. So I paid $75 plus tax. Also got the free abs video from the link mentioned before along with the Cardio Fusion video. Waiting for Mindy Mylrea video to arrive. Please let it come today!

I got it!

Well, thanks to this thread and the link for the prior thread, I made the plunge. Truthfully I have been on the fence about this and a couple of other things for quite some time. Francine recommeded the TTT, and another similar item. Somewhere else there was talk about ramping, and the list goes on and on. With finite funds I have been hemming and hawing about what "one thing" I could get to try a little something new. Everyone being so nice to add their comments is helpful. So thanks! You have spent my money:)

I got it at Gart Sports for 99.00. I believe Wal-Mart.com has it for 98.77 (the store does not, at least where I am) and shipping is reasonable. Less than 10.00. I have looked at Target and Costco, but so far they don't have it. I hope this helps anyone else in their search.

I can't wait to try it out this morning! I snuck it in from the car last night and my husband will be at the fire station for a couple of days. No eye rolling from him:p By the time he gets home I plan to be having such a good time on it, he will just want to join in:)

Thanks everyone, and I will keep you posted!
RE: I got it!

Too funny Dani! I'm sure that HAPPY FACE you will have on when he walks in tonight will truly make him want to join in! Have fun! :7 (We'll have to compare notes once we figure out what to do on the darn thing!)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks to all!

Thanks everyone for your ideas/links! I'll check them out!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I got it! AND I did it!

Oh that Cathe would come up with some creative uses for this thing! I love it! That is being said after only doing the stupid little video that came with the BOSU itself. How fun is this?!:D Anyone who may still be on the fence should at least check into it, especially if you can buy it directly from a store that you can return it to if you (for some odd reason) don't like it. Shipping costs can make this less appealing.

I will say that I think I may have overinflated it just a bit. Not more than recommended, but I can see how you would fight for balance a bit more with a tad less air. I followed directions, and it is probably fine for now. I am learning, so it is good to be careful. I noticed the more advanced girl in the video had a bit more "cush", and was a little more wobbly....if that sounds right. I may take some air out after I use it a couple more times.

Off to order some more dvd's......}(
RE: I got it! AND I did it!

Hmmm, I find the BOSU (and a stability ball) more challenging when fuller. When it's less inflated, there's a little "nest" for your feet to sink into. Anyone else?

RE: I got it! AND I did it!

Hey, Dani53, congratulations! You will come up with innovative ways to use the BOSU! Hey and you got it for a great price, too! I'm going to use it with Cathe's Beg/Int. HS workout once it arrives. I also use my BOSU for leg presses as well as ab work as well as bench press/chest flies, static lunge, etc. It's fun!

Debra, I deflated my Fitball stability ball as it was just too rigid. I like the stabiity ball from Power Systems as it has a little more give and is a lot more comfortable. My BOSU is inflated to the point of a little give, but not nesting, when I stand on it. I find it very challenging.

All this talk about BOSU makes me want to go work out!

RE: I got it! AND I did it!

Hmmm....now I will really have to check the difference out. I was thinking it was a bit less solid, therefore less stable when it looked a little less full. Almost like you would have to work harder on a softer surface. I will try again tomorrow and see how if feels with less air.

It also makes me think that maybe I just have better balance than I imagined:) I think that I have seen one too many signs of aging in my body, and just assumed this would be gone too. I do have a gymnastic background, and mountain bike/ski/snowboard, etc. Wouldn't it be nice if time creeping on has not taken this away just yet!

I also don't mean to imply that it was too easy. I could feel it, and tomorrow will probably be a better indication if any new soreness shows up. Is it possible that is was just so much fun that it seemed too simple? Oh joy!
RE: I got it! AND I did it!

Try it with a little less air and see if it seems more of a challenge. If I'm remembering correctly, Francine or it could have been someone else mentioned a little more challenge with less air. I could be wrong and can't find the link to the discussion. It sounds like you have great balance since you snowboard. When I first tried my BOSU, staying on the thing was a challenge as was just sitting on the stability ball. I'm less wobbly on it now but still love the challenge!

Take care,

Since you mentioned your bike/ski/snowboard background, you might consider the Mindy/Kelli DVD. Mindi is apparently an avid skier (heck she's a tomboy with children) & she does some skiing moves that you'd probably love.

I just bought a mountain bike & I can't believe what a workout it is! Talk about engaging the core! And balance skills. Oh, & my calves have been suffering. The first ride took me back decades when I learned to ski.

Have fun.

RE: I got it!

Dani, I cracked up when I read your post because when you said you'd be having so much fun your husband would want to join right in it reminded me that my DH calls the Bosu "the giant diaphragm". So my imagination went from there. (I hope you don't take any offense. It just tickled me.:p
RE: I got it!

O.K. Ann, now that I have wiped the coffee off my face from my outburst of laughter, I can try and contain myself enough to type!:D
I actually laughed at your post as well, seeing the double meaning, but the giant diaphragm kills me!! I think that is what it will be called now, mainly because I could never figure out how to pronounce BOSU. I would ask for it in stores and people would look at me with a blank face. I finally figured I had it right when I was using the video it came with, but I like your husbands name better. I can imagine that is the first thing my husband would call it when he finally sees it. Definitely no offense taken, but thanks for the additional laugh;-)
Okay Dani!

Do tell??? Did hubby fight it away from you & jump on it last night when he saw how much FUN you were having!?!? :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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