I couldn't find the original request from Dutchgirl (Sabine) on this forum. But I found her post on VF... The following is a cut-n-paste...
Hi everyone,
Many people new to Cathe (and those long timers too) often ask why there hasn't been a ranking of Cathe's videos to help them decide what would be right for them. Let's end that right now!!!!
The Plan and Some Guidelines
1. I will categorize and list all the Cathe workouts that fall in that category. Then it's up to the Catheites to score the videos on a scale of 1 to 10 in each category. A 1 will be quite easy and would be suited to a beginner. A 5 would not be easy, but not really hard either and would be a challenge for a beginner but well suited to an intermediate to low advanced exerciser. A 10 would be an 'Oh my Gosh!!!' workout, very intense and be a challenge to even the most seasoned exerciser. Think in terms of a perceived exertion scale and you'll do fine. I will track each workout's points and in the end will add up the points and divide this total by the number of voters to create an average score. Based on this average score I will rank the workouts from lowest average score (easiest) to highest average score (hardest).
2. You need not have done every single workout to participate but I do ask that you ONLY RATE THOSE WORKOUTS THAT YOU HAVE ACTUALLY DONE. Please do not rate a workout based on what you have heard from other people about the workout. I want your ratings based on your experience!!! Of course, the more Cathe videos you have done will help you when assigning a score to the workouts.
3. I'll keep voting/scoring open for two weeks (shorter or longer if need be based on interest). I will announce when I will end the scoring time. At that point I will do the tallies and post the results. I will also ask SNM if we can have the final results stickied at the top of a page (probably the Video/DVD forum) for everyone to reference. Maybe something can also be done here at VF as well. At any rate, I will definitely post the results here.
4. I have not separated ab segments as a separate category. If all goes well with this process and interest is high, I'll tackle ab segments next!
5. Out of Print titles are excluded from the list as they are not readily available.
6. You can post your scores on this thread (paste the list into your reply and add your score next to the title)
She then went on to list all the workouts. I hope that clarifies things for you.