Whining: Wiped Out by New Class


So I toy with ballet as an alternate workout, meaning that I've been taking adult beginner classes for years just for fun (don't start picturing long, lean, and graceful here, cause I'm not!!!).

Anyhow... decided to try a new class today--basic beginner class. The moves the teacher did weren't particularly hard, but by the end of class my legs were actually *shaking!!* I couldn't believe it--what happened to all that muscle and stamina I've gained through Cathe??? I thought I was in good shape! x(

An afterthought: And if my legs are like noodles, should I still do my usual chest and back workout tonight? :-(
why not. That's upper body. I also belive that each time we take on a new activity, you activate different muscles no matter how fit we belive we are. You might think when you take a Belly Dance class, I can do this.. try it. your arms are killing cause they are hung up in the air for so long. so.. this is usual occurance and like you all tell me, you'll be fine. LOL. Enjoy the journey.

I agree with tytbody. I've been working out to Cathe for awhile now, but I'm concerned that heavy lower body lifting all the time is making my lower half bulky. So I decided to alternate Cathe leg workouts with Lotte Berk and The Bar Method. No sweat, right...I can make it through a little 20 minute workout. ummm...ouch. It, like ballet, is a totally different way to hit the muscles, and if its challenging, you will feel it. Keep at it, and I bet you'll stronger in no time.
Thanks--if I don't collapse first. Actually, I think that at least part of my problem was dehydration--class moved too fast for me to get enough water. Took me half the night to catch up.
Dancers have amazing bodies! We went to see The Lion King this weekend and I was drooling over the men!

I'd love to take a fencing class! Of course, I'm super turned-on by sword fighting (which of course, is a little more extreme than fencing, but who's going to teach you how to yield a sword in 2005?) Trouble is...nobody offers these classes!!!!!
Hi Donna. I actually took a fencing class last year (went with my bf, who was interested in it). It was definitely not for me, though the bf loved it. :) Are you in or near any cities? Or maybe a college or university? They sometimes offer classes. There's also probably a US Fencing Association or something along those lines--governing board for the sport. Find their web site and you may be able to find classes. :) (Sorry for the spam if you know all this already.) And I'd love to have a (female) dancer's body!

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