While we're talking about husbands...


I know you guys can emphathize with me here. I let my husband know I wanted Intensity Series #s 2 and 3 DVDs for Christmas way back when the presale began. Every day I've been anxiously waiting.

Earlier this week, while at work, I receive an email from my husband asking, "Now which of those new DVDs did you want?" Translation: It's mid-December and he hasn't placed an order.

Not only that, but I also requested a new coat that he could also order (conveniently for him!) online over a month ago. Here, too, I got an email from him last week saying they were sold out and did I have any second choices?

Are all DHs gift buying procrastinators, or is it just mine? :-rollen

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 04:18PM (Est)[/font][p]Angela, my new Cathe DVD's have been ordered and paid for and my other gifts are wrapped and under the tree, thanks to my sweet DH. As soon as he finds out what he got me, I'm sure he'll be proud as a peacock. :p

This practice comes after a few yrs of him asking what I want on Christmas Eve.

Sorry Ladies, he's already taken. :D

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Angela, at least your husband will place the order. My husband just tells me to get whatever I want and to wrap it up.
Angela, at least your husband will place the order. My husband just tells me to get whatever I want and to wrap it up.
Aww, ladies... Does it have to be this way? Where's the romance? Where's the holiday anticipation? Sigh.

Jump in here anytime Trevor and defend the guys.

Well, I must defend my Husband! He has been stuck at home with a broken ankle and it's upsetting him SO MUCH! He finally managed to get into the car today and actually drive himself to the stores - couldn't stand or walk very well, but he was able to drive. He says -- sure he can get me what I ASK for, but if he only did that then I wouldn't be surprised... I must say that after being together for 10 years I love him even more than ever (except of course when I want to KILL him! HA!)

So, they CAN do it and then it makes it fun - you get some of what you asked specifically for and are surprised by the rest!

I do consider myself pretty lucky -- he even buys his own presents for my sister!

HA HA HA HA!!! Well, I'm on number 3 and I mus say, so far they've been cut from the same mold:)!! I got a mixer for Christmas!! Ok, I DID want one, but in Oct. yep, that was when I got my gift. I will say though, that my new videos were ordered for my birthday, even though I knew I wouldn't get them until this winter. I'll give him that. However, we went to where HE wanted to eat on my birthday. I came home hungry;-).

HA HA HA HA!!! Well, I'm on number 3 and I mus say, so far they've been cut from the same mold:)!! I got a mixer for Christmas!! Ok, I DID want one, but in Oct. yep, that was when I got my gift. I will say though, that my new videos were ordered for my birthday, even though I knew I wouldn't get them until this winter. I'll give him that. However, we went to where HE wanted to eat on my birthday. I came home hungry;-).

I was just thinking that it's obviously getting close to Christmas because lots of guys were out shopping today. I did see a lot of Dad's with kids in tow which is impressive. But I think lots of guys procrastinate because their list is short. We females tend to take over on the gift giving.

On the other hand my next door neighbor purchased a digital camera for his wife weeks ago. But I can't imagine it's going to surprise her because the kids have been talking about it every time I see them!

My hubby poor baby passed away 2 years ago this month so if he was here to be late ordering my Christmas gifts I wouldn't mind at all :-( :-(

Thanks for adding some serious perspective into this thread Edith. I need this kind of reminder as I take my dh for granted all too frequently. I hope you will have a blessed holiday season, will you have plenty of family around??

Ditto Briee,

I don't even remember what I was going to post now! Edith's post just made me reflect on how fortunate I am to still have my sweetie, whether he forgets my medicine ball or not this Christmas!
Thanks Edith, and I am truly sorry for your loss.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 09:41PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 09:37 PM (Est)[/font]

I just finished a poem I wrote telling my wife what I love about her. I am gonna read it to her on Christmas..... :)
I guess some would consider that romantic, others would say I am cheap!! lol!!!! :)
Actually she's getting more than a poem......I bought the little lady a set of large skillets so she can get my food to me quicker as I sit on the sofa, watch football, booze it up, and work on this really nice ass groove I am carving into the sofa!! LOL!!!!
No.....I am joking for sure ladies.....just trying to get a smile out of you!!!! hehehehe! ;-)
Please no hate emails ladies!!
Trevor :-jumpy
Gotta tell you, Trevor..

in 1997 my husband wrote me a poem for my birthday--and I have treasured it ever since.
George is pretty good with presents...I really don't care what it is, just that it shows some thought.
(I bought "us" Emeril cookware because I wanted it....ha-ha-ha. So, we can both get the dinners faster..eat, eat ,eat.) Murph
My DH is about as generous as they come regarding December presents for A-jock but you know what? You could take all of that and chuck it in the wastebasket and I'd still be the luckiest duck on the planet.

More than once, while I'm working out downstairs, he'll sneak around and place little chocolate candies (and a chocolate rose on Valentines Day) on each step going upstairs for when I come up.

He works his butt off at a job he could care less about so that we have a comfortable home.

He does all the housework - well - and tends to the car and most of the household maintenance stuff.

He keeps all the paperwork together for taxes.

And he's always been my most avid supporter in anything I've ever tried to do, be it getting my real estate license or my ACE certification or my job as a group fitness instructor or my paralegal cert and job or my continual efforts to get stronger physically.

Phil was in a bad car wreck almost two years ago - by all rights he should have been killed, but walked away with only a couple of cuts and scratches. I'll take the guy, and always remember that the December treats are icing on the cake at most.

Not sure Honeybunch. These trials we do are sometimes very last minute types of things but I will let ya know when we do.
Trevor :)

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