Whick workouts to buy?


I have been doing all my workouts on FitTV, but thought it was time to buy so I can do them when I need to do them and not just when they happen to come on. Which ones are your favorites and why? I am looking to gain some muscle and loose a bit of fat. I have done step blast and loved it, i have done boot camp, Imax2, pyramid lower and upper boday and I have the basic step DVD that came w/ my step. I have done the core max ones, but can't recall which ones I did now. Which one would you reccomend for gaining muscle? Any advice or tips you have would be great. I prefer to do all muscle groups on the same day so I usually do M-W-F and I do carido just about every day.
All body muscle workouts: Muscle Endurance and Muscle Max are my favorite.

For interval I love Imax2 and Imax3, Imax 3 is the most difficult.

For kickboxing I love KPC.

For gaining muscle the best workout is Slow & Heavy, followed by the Gym Styles. It is hard to gain muscle when doing total body because you are not working each muscle group to failure.

I own all of these workouts and have done them all.
Thanks, I was thining of the slow and heavy.. if I did go that route would it be too much to do each one 2X per week? Say do the bicep/tricep 2X per week? And the others 2X per week also. Time isn't an issue since I am a SAHM and Ilove to workout. I don't see how wwe can gain much doing each part 1X per week. I have seen that reccomened a lot. Thanks for the input!
I don't see how wwe can gain much doing each part 1X
>per week. I have seen that reccomened a lot. Thanks for the

It may not seem like it will work, but it does! When I did P90X, the rotation is set up so you do each body part once a week. I've made my best gains in strength and definition with that set-up. I also applied it to a HC/GS rotation, with the same good results.

The key is to go as heavy as you can, work intensely, then give your body enough time to rest. I found that I had to do my split with GS as "day 1: GS chest/triceps; day 3: GS legs; day 5: GS back/biceps/shoulders, because putting the two upper body workouts closer together didn't allow enough time for recovery. That recovery allows me to increase my weights and/or reps with each workout(with P90X, at least: harder to with the Gym Styles because of their set-up, IMO).

What are your goals? If they are strength, then definitely do each body part 1x/ week (spreading the workouts out during the week, to get that weight-training metabolism boost on a regular basis), keep your cardio moderate in intensity (to not counteract the muscle gains you want). S&H is a good choice of workouts for this.

Try it for 3 weeks and see how it works.
Workouts for all muscle groups on the same day are endurance workouts. You will gain some muscle with them when you're starting out but eventually you will have to work in splits. I normally do 3-day splits. I'm currently following Cathe's one-part-a-day May rotation and like it a lot since I am able to focus on just one body part and work it with the heaviest weight I can manage.

Anyway, my favorite workouts for all muscle groups on the same day are PH and MM. ME and MIS are a close second. The premixes in the Pyramids DVD will also allow you to work all muscle groups in one day as you only pyramid up or down.

The ones I use a lot are the PS series, the Gym Styles, Pyramids, and CTX-UB split and LL. I throw in S&H when I need to break a plateau.

Thanks for replying. I'd love to gain some more muscle and lose maybe 5lbs or so and I think what muscle I do have would really show more. Right now I am 5'3" and going between 130-132. I think I will try that plan for a few weeks to see how that works for me. I love doing cardio though so limiting that will be hard, but I can try :)

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