which workout will build muscles in legs and glutes


I would like to put some muscles in lower part of the body. My buttocks are too flat and legs to skinny. I have Slow and Heavy, Butts and Guts, Legs and Glutes and STS. I get bored with Slow and Heavy and find the other 2 workouts not effective ina dding some muscles. So I wondering if Gym Style Legs would work well for putting some muscle in the lower half. Right now my legs are well toned but I would like to have more muscle mass there and in the glutes.
Butts and Guts, Pyramid Lower Body, STS Legs..... all are great and all build muscle if you are fueling well and doing the workouts consistently!
The best protocol for hypertrophy (building muscle) is supposedly 8 to 12 reps per set, but using a weight heavy enough to reach/almost reach failure on each set, with adequate rest between sets for recovery. Doing 3-4 sets of 3-4 exercises once a week may be a good start. Muscles grow at rest between workouts so getting adequate rest between sessions is important. Diet is really important for muscle growth so I second the suggestion for protein.

Meso 2 may be your best bet. With most workouts, the rests are not long enough between sets and since most people do not have access to equipment needed to really go heavy like squat racks, workouts tend to become hypertrophy focused.

If you lift heavy enough and not for endless reps, chances are you will build muscle even with larger rep ranges (upto 16 per set), just that it wont be as effective.

You can workout to any Cathe dvd you own to achieve hypertrophy if you are prepared to modify:
a. do mainly the multi-joint exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, step-ups (leg presses) and consider skipping the rest
b. lift slower that the beat if the pace of lifting is too fast on the dvd
c. go really heavy
d. stop with less reps if the workout goes on to do more than the hypertrophy range
e. pause the dvd for a full minute rest between sets
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Thank you all for your helpful replies. Vee-I will try what you say, I think I am always trying to complete all the reps thus my weight is not heavy enough. As far as protein, I get plenty of it.

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