Which workout on "off" day


In doing Cathe's current rotation, if one wanted to add a circuit workout on an "off or cardio of choice" day, which do you suggest- Don't most circuit workouts use weights?

Do you just use very light weights during the circuit and focus mainly on cardio or do you make sure a rest day or cardio day is in between the last 4DS workout and the circuit. Then do you do the same for the next day (doing cardio the day before a 4DS workout)

I hope this makes sense. Thanks, all, for any input!

RE: Which workout on

On off days I do strictly cardio....IMAX'S, rhythmic step, LowMax. I tend to feel that circuit workouts do weight work and I try to be 24 hours between them. That's just me though. I don't see why you couldn't do circuit workouts if you want. Doing a 4D cardio only would be a good idea.

RE: Which workout on


I stick to strictly cardio, too. I've been doing Christi Taylor step because I'm trying to force myself to try more dancy step stuff. I'm surprising myself because I've been able to follow pretty well. Anyway, if you REALLY want to do circuit, I'd go super light on the weights--like 50% of your normal weight.

RE: Which workout on

With those heavy weights you are using, your muscles need a break. I would personally do only cardio. I would do a longer, gentle type cardio-Imax's are too hard on my knees and hips so, I would try the LIC cardio premix or maybe even some walking?

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