Which Terminator workout should I start with?


The last 2 times I've doing IMAX2, I've done the entire thing (on a 8" step) plus intervals 5-10 as an add-on. Am I ready for Terminator? I was thinking of starting with Imax Xtreme. I've had IMAX2/CW since August, but I just got the rest of the Intensity series in December, so I've only done those 2 or 3 times each. I can handle them with the weight that Cathe uses--I can go higher on leg presses and back work, but her bicep work usually kills me.

How do you pseudo-mortals (Aqua-jock excluded--I don't want to think about that kind of punishment. . .yet) fit the Terminator workouts into your rotation? How often do you do them?

Thanks for the input,

Carol F
Hi Carol!

I think The Viper is the most approachable Terminator workout. It was the first Terminator I could see myself attempting since I have only recently become strong enough to do Cathe's workouts 6 days a week. I am currently doing a cardio and circuit rotation which alternates 3 pure cardio workouts with 3 circuits. I wind up doing The Viper once a week this way. It's a long workout and right now I don't think I could do it more than once a week because of its length, and if you are giving it your all, it can really (v)ipe you out ;-)

It sounds like you are in really good shape. I can't imagine doing IMAX 2 on an 8" any time soon! Can't wait to get there!

Take care :)
You were born ready!!:D IMAX Extreme is a top-notch,fun,wonderful cardio workout. Don't let the fact that it has "weight" segments from C&W on it fool you. The weight segments only last about 30 seconds, long enough to wipe the sweat from your brow. I totally love IMAX Extreme.....just when you think it is almost over,because the end song from C&W comes on...wrong....you still have IMAX2 intervals 8 and 9 to go. That just finishes the sweat fest. I think that just became my workout for tomorrow.

The Viper workout is well....easy! Can't believe I wrote that! I have only done it once and probably will not do it again. I sadly enough do not have time for "easy".

I have not had time to try the Gauntlet yet. All though I have had the dvd almost 2 months. I am sort of like you....I am not sure where the Viper and Gauntlet fit into my routine. No doubt where IMAX Extreme fits....under butt kicking cardio!

Have fun.....I will too as I inpatiently await Hardcore's arrival!

:D :D
I'm feeling strangely Napoleon-Dynamitish right about now . . .

Actually, "Gauntlet" as originally produced isn't quite as fearsome as the mish-moshes I've mangled out of it, because it does incorporate resistance cycles with lighter weights. Given how much you've done I-Max 2 and CW, I think it'd be a good splash of variety for you.

But then again, I'm biased.

And yes . . . I'm posting this at Oh:Dark:30 on a Saturday morning, having checked the Shipping Tracking site with NO UPDATE FOR AQUAJOCK.

It sucks to be me . . .

The Pseudo-Mortal
Thanks for your replies--it helps a lot.

And, A-Jock, your reply was strangely comforting. If Gauntlet is easier than your mish-moshes, than maybe a mere mortal can handle it.;-) You're truly an inspiration. I used to think you were completely insane (and I mean that in the kindest possible way), but now that I've caught the beginnings of the Cathe-Intensity-Bug, I am merely in awe! Maybe someday I'll be attempting your Mish-Moshes myself.

Thanks guys!

Carol F

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