Which tapes to order?


New Member
I really need to tone and lose about 20lbs. I would like to use free weights. Work-out space is limited. I do have a treadmil for cardio. Could someone guide me into chosing the right videos? I don't have any health concerns-bad back, sore knees,etc. I don't mind starting with small weights and working up to Cathe. I carry most of my weight from my waist to my knees. I read Donna's success story and if she can use these videos than so can I. (Thanks Donna!)

Thanks in Advance,

Hi Pat im not Cathe but did you try this website: http://www.fitnessvideofanatics.com/home/keep.fit

They have a public rotation. Cathe has a 16 week weight loss there.I loss 15lbs so far but im not following that plan as I like to just pick out a video to do that I am in the mood for. I do 3 to 4 cardio a week, but changing to different kind of cardio like kicboxing, step, interval running+walking, hi+lo cardio, and step. I also do weights 2 to 3 times a week. I tried to do just my bicep, tricep, & shoulders 3 times a week so I can get the tank top arms for the summer, you will see that rotation also at the above website. Hey im starting with small amount of weights and trying to work my way up to Cathe so your not alone. I don't know how much you want to spend on Cathe's video or if you are getting dvd or vhs or if you have a step, but for upper&lower body weight workout, I like the Pyramid. It is a great workout and you can always with any weights start light and work your way up. Any of Cathe's strength or endurance or great!! Good luck on your goal;-) .
Hi Pat,

Barbara has given you a great site to check out. You will find TONS of rotations there.

With limited space, you might want to consider trying Power Hour or Muscle Endurance for total body workouts. If you are looking for something that can split your time, try the Pure Strength series & the Pyramids. All of these workouts require very little space, just enough room to lunge forward & backward for your leg work.

When you buy tapes like these, don't be afraid to lift heavy. On one of Cathe's tapes (I wish I could remember which), she says "lifting heavy will do nice things for you in the end." It always makes me laugh because I think she is doing squats or lunges when she says it. I don't know if she intended the pun or not.

I carry my weight like you. I'm 5'6" and people think I don't need to lose weight. I wear clothes that hide my "fat" well. I'm like "yeah, you should see me naked. It ain't pretty around my middle!" LOL I'm trying to lose about 15 to 20 lbs, too.
Thank you Barbara and Deborah,

I'm Looking at Muscle Endurance,Power Hour, Pure Strength,Pyramids and Learner Legs(like the name of this one).

This site is so overwhelming and yet so exciting at the same time.

Thanks Again,


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