Which stepper should I(a newbie to Cathe) get?

I bought mine from Fitness1st. (Your first link).

I couldn't be more happy with it. It's great! Fitness1st has great customer service and fast shipping too.

Oh, I use 3 lb - 20 lb dumbells with my Cathe workouts.

I also have a Troy Lite barbell (rubber plates) purchased from fitness1st.com.
The step from the first link is probably what Cathe uses--the longest of them all. I would get that. The last link is out of the question, in my opinion. Way too short in length, and you'll only regret getting it.
I personally have the Reebok step, but if I were lookin for a new step, I would get the one from your first link.

Thanks so much! The stepper from the first link wins!!

RE:Troy Lite set did you buy any extras weights with it or just hte set? TIA

>Thanks so much! The stepper from the first link wins!!
>RE:Troy Lite set did you buy any extras weights with it or
>just hte set? TIA

Hi there! I just bought the Troy Lite set. No extra weights.


The step in the 2nd link is the same as the one in the 1st and a bit cheaper! (At least without shipping.) You could probably find it at the Walmart store or any sports store, just look for the "Original Health Club Step".
Over time, you may find yourself tiring of the bright colors, so the black and gray may be a better choice esthetically. Also, it usually fits in better with whatever color scheme you may have in the room where you'll be working out.
Thanks! You are so right! I would get tried of the bright colors! I am getting the black one. I would have gotten the stepper in the 2nd link but it is 3" less than the 1st link-does Cathe moving around alot to where the stepper in the 1st link is better than the one in the 2nd link? TIA
>RE:Troy Lite set did you buy any extras weights with it or
>just hte set? TIA

I bought a pair of 10# weights and a pair of 1.25# plates for my Troy light. The 10# make it easier for me to figure out weight totals, and I don't have to put so many plates on the bar, and the 1.25# weights let me move up in weight in smaller increments (2.5#).
If you read carefully, the description of the step in the 2nd link refers to the dimensions of the stepping surface. The rubber mat covering the step does not cover the entire surface end-to-end. I think link #1 and link #2 are the same step - although you get the option of gray/black at Fitness1st.com.

>>Thanks so much! The stepper from the first link wins!!
>>RE:Troy Lite set did you buy any extras weights with it or
>>just hte set? TIA
>Hi there! I just bought the Troy Lite set. No extra

Thanks so much for getting back to me! Thanks! BTW I love the picture that you have! It is very cool/pretty! Plus I LOVE the color purple!!!
Wow, thanks I never even thought of that! Thanks so much! I am so glad I asked on the boards first! Thank you.
>If you read carefully, the description of the step in the 2nd
>link refers to the dimensions of the stepping surface. The
>rubber mat covering the step does not cover the entire surface
>end-to-end. I think link #1 and link #2 are the same step -
>although you get the option of gray/black at Fitness1st.com.

Hi Diane!

Really? I didn't even pay attention to that...at all. Thanks. So, I should get the one from #2?? I could probably check my local walmart for it first to see if they have it and then order from them if they don't. May I ask if you know that Walmart doesn't have something in stock but their website does if the shipping and handling is free or will a local Walmart store order it for you at no charge?
Did you see that the more expensive Wal-Mart step states that it comes with a Cathe Friedrich step video? That may explain the higher price, but it's confusing. If I were you, I would go to Wal-Mart and check out what they have. Maybe they'll have the black and gray one there, or can order it for you. Ask them which ones come with the video. It may be worth paying more to get the video.

And Diane is absolutely right. 1, 2 and 3 are all the same. Only 4 is actually a different step. It's just a question of what color you want and whether the price is right for the video. If they increase the price of the step by the amount that you could buy the video yourself, then you may prefer to just buy your own video separately.
If you're going to Wal-Mart and they have what you want, you could save shipping. It's not that heavy and you should not have a problem fitting into your car. Have fun shopping!!
I wanted DH to get me a Step Co club step for our anniversary but couldn't find one anywhere in local stores. Only the large Reebock one. After researching, I ended up giving him the info on the gray & black one at Fitness 1st. A couple days later this big box arrived. It has been sitting there for weeks and now only 12 more days........

Fitness 1st was the only place that had the gray/black that I found besides good prices and obviosly good service!
Congratulations Marie! I love having the black and gray one. It's easier to hide under my coffee table in the living room.

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