Which Step Workout should I start with?


I'm new to Cathe and I love the intensity of her workouts. I have Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks, Maximum Intensity Strength (the most recent one to kick my butt - or well, my pecs and sides mostly LOL) and I'm getting Muscle Endurance. I am familar with step, but in CM I find myself leaping around, tripping over the step (and my own feet), trying to follow Cathe. I'm getting better at it each time I do it, and I would like to purchase more step workouts by Cathe (or Step Hi/Lo combo's - I enjoy both), but I'm a little intimidated. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good intense cardio workout that is slightly easier on the step combinations so I trip a little less as I learn the routine? Thanks!!!
I'm new also and started with Basic Step & Body Fusion. I then went to Step Blast. It was sort of difficult but with determination it can be done!! I would preview one combo and then do it until I got it down and then I would go to the next combo. Since then I've accumulated the "Classics" and found that they're easier to catch on to than her newer stuff. Hope that helps...
Thanks Brenda! I really appreciate it!

I guess I didn't want to start with Basic Step because I don't want an easy workout. I love Tae Bo, but I'm finding even the Advanced Live series too easy. What I want is to have my cake and eat it too... (oops - sorry - no cake... Bad for the diet). Is there any tapes that are tough, but are a little easier in the choreography? Or should I just take the plunge, know I'm going to be frustrated for a while, and do it a part at a time?
My first Cathe tape was IM#2. I did intervals 1-5 until I mastered them, then did intervals 6-10 until I mastered them and then put it all together.

Buy a tape that is appealing to you and you will learn the choreography sooner than you think!

My first Cathe step workout was Power Max. I just tried one segment at a time until I learned all of them and was able to put them together. I still learn Cathe's new workouts this way. It's less stressful mentally.

Just a quick note: Basic Step at an 8 inch step is great for a lite cardio day and you will work up a nice sweat for a 30 minute work out.

Interval Max (IMAX1) and Mega Step Blast I find are the easiest for me. (if you can call anything of Cathe's easy!!). I started with All Step which was absolutely hilarious. I just stopped and stared. You'll get the hang up of. If I can, anybody can. I still have those times when the feet and brain just won't get together.
I actually have Circuit Max, which I think gives a good, SHORT, preview of a couple of step workouts. I think I'm getting the trick. I have to stop trying to follow along visually and instead just listen to the queing. Otherwise I get so far behind it's not even funny. Of course, it works better when I know what the queing means (LOL), but I'm learning that slowly.
Christine ~ I did what Tammy did with Imax 2 (my 1st purchase as well). I think that if I can learn to do step so can you. I was stumbling over the step so much that I was ready to give up. Now I can do the whole thing. It really is a fun work out once you get all of the choreography down.

HTH - Dallas

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