Which rotations/What to buy?


Totally excited newbie here. I'm looking at rotations and trying to figure them out (rotations = efficient & effective workouts?).

Are the indexed Cathe Rotations advanced or do they start Week 1 at intermediate and work up?

I've been working out 3 months and have just discovered Cathe. A few weeks ago I bought Low Max and Kick Max (KM blast challenge is way too hard for me at this point). I LOVE the challenging workouts and I want more Cathe!! So I am trying to figure out what to buy next...so confusing!! Should I focus new purchases on the Intermed. Rotation DVDs or jump into the "Upper Body Bliss" and "Butts and Guts" rotations (making substitutions where I can). These are what I'd like to focus on for summer - core and upper. Or should I not have a focus yet and work on Intermed. Rotations?

I've been working with Billy's Bootcamps, Turbo Jams, Karen Voight Burn & Firm, Kathy Smith Total Body Lift, and old Step Reebok.

Thanks for any help at all,

Most of Cathe's rotations are advanced (mainly because most of her workouts are advanced) but does have a beginner/intermediate rotation and that would probably be a good place to start.

This is Cathe's intermediate rotation:


This is FitnessFreak's (our resident rotation expert) basic/intermediate/advanced rotation:


The Upper Body Bliss is a great rotation. I did it and had good results. Just remember to start out with weights that you can handle but still challenge you. You don't have to start with what Cathe's using.

What to buy


Thought that I would chime in too. If you want a good DVD to buy that focuses on upper body; Try getting Cathe's IMAX2 w/Cardio and Weights. you get two differant work outs on one DVD.Though IMAX2 is more of a cardio conditioning/lower body step mix, Cardio & Weights is more of your cardio/ uppder body weight mix. This is the DVD that I rely on for ALL of my upper body work ! Cardio & Weights has a challlenging core segment at the end of it too. You may also want to try Step, Jump & Pump. This one can be mix and matched as well for upperbody and core, plus if doing the entire work out is too much, you can choose from the 'quick select pre-mixes' and find a work out that best suits your ability. Once you get stronger , you can then work up to doing the entire DVD. Somtimes I'll go for a run outside and then do just the weight segments from Cardio & Weights.

Cool thing about Both 'IMAX2/Cardio & Weights' and 'Step, Jump, and Pump', is that you can mix and match these in so many ways it's crazy. I don't focus on legs too much either because I feel that with IMAX 2 and all the step segments , my lower body is getting a good enough work out.
Couple others to consider for your summer goal.
'Pyramid Upper Body' is a GREAT upper Body weights DVD, and 'Core Max' is also a great Core DVD.

Hope this helps , and good luck.


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