Which opposing muscles to work per day?



Hi Cathe-
I am currently using the CTX tapes in my fitness rotation, doing 2 of the strength segments/day.
Which body parts do you suggest doing together?
I typically match up back to biceps, shoulders to abs, and chest and triceps. (Legs are in a class by themselves! :)
Do you recommend switching up which muscles you work together in rotations as well, or should you stay with a more set program?
Thanks in advance!
I was wondering the same thing.

I want to double up in a way that would be different than the PS Style(Chest/Shoulders & Tri's~Back & Bi's~Legs) & MIS style(Chest,Back, Shoulders, Bi's & Tr's) so when I go to them it will really be different.
Maria :eek:)
Wondering too....

For the first week CTX I did Bi/Tri, Back/Chest, together with shoulders alone- was wondering if there was a more "efficient" way to combine these new WONDERFUL!! tapes.
2 body parts a day.

I was thinking:
How does that sound?
2 body parts /day

I like the idea of Bi/Tri's, Chest/Back, and shoulders by themselves. However, it gets kind of confusing, on which days to rotate in w/ shoulders, since they are used alot in chest and back work. That is, if you are trying to work the "opposing muscle" theory.
How many times/week do you do abs? I try to do them every other day.
I'll add in what I do.

I do chest/back, legs/shoulders and bi's/tri's also. But I've been thinking about going to Legs/chest, bi's/ back, and shoulders/tri's. What do you all think?
Opposing groups: 2 day split

Here's what I've done for the last 2 weeks and I love it. (Like someone else here, I wanted to try a different split from the PS split.)

Day 1: CTX Chest & Back w/optional legs from CTX Power Circuit
Day 2: No strength work -- either rest or all cardio or all yoga
Day 3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day 4: CTX Leaner Legs
Day 5: No strength work (see above)
Day 6: Circuit Max
Day 7: No strength work (see above)

I don't like doing upper body strength on consecutive days. I find I get much better results if I allow the muscles to recover.

I really like this order. I find that CTX chest is the toughest upper body segment for me. Combining it with CTX back really works well. I either do the cardio from Step & Intervals or I do the cardio from Power Circuit if I want some light leg work on chest/back day.

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