Which one??


First let me say, CATHE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

I need help making a decision. I'm ordering 3 tapes. Cardio kicks, Power hour, and a third one. Should it be Body Max or the Wedding tape. I think what would help if I knew how the choregraphy(sp) is like. I want EASY choregraphy(sp). So what would you suggest?

BTW, I already have MIC, MIS, and PS: Strong legs and abs. I love all 3 of these tapes. But haven't master the step part of MIC, again because of the choregraphy. I just like to work out hard without much concentrating to it. I know, sounds lame, but that's how I like my workouts.
Hi there!

You say you want to work out hard, then I wouldn't get the Wedding Tape. It really isn't all that intense in my opinion, but it is a great way to start off with Cathe. Body Max was my first Cathe tape and it took me 3 times to learn it. I had to force myself to do it after the first time but I am so glad I did. So Body Max gets my vote, because it is a bit sentimental to me. Good Luck with whatever you choose. You really can't go wrong with Cathe. The Wedding Tape is easy to learn so maybe that is what you really want.

Take care.
If you want BodyMax primarily for the cardio then it should be considered. ((I am not a good one to judge if the cardio is complex though, because choreography is not my problem.))

However, the upper body work in Body Max is SO similar to MIS. Knowing that now, I wouldn't have purchased both of them.

Any special reason why you are not considering Interval Max? I understand its choreography is easy and many have said it is similar in intensity to MIC.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-02 AT 03:08PM (Est)[/font][p]Ya know, I just read Interval Max in the catalog and thinking this may be my 3rd one. It only has 10min step which is good for me. I think this maybe the one.

(sigh) So many videos, not enough money!
Interval Max is actually all step. It is "easy" choreography, but I'd say Cathe's most challenging cardio video. If you are looking for straight cardio, it would be a good one.

Thanks Colleen. All step doesn't bother me. Long it's easy choreograpy. I have alot of sculpting and need more cardio workouts. I viewed Imax on the web and it looked good. OK, 9 more days untill payday!
I would get Bodymax. If you are afraid of the choreography, just watch it through several times. I had never done step before and had no trouble. Go slow motion and practise the tricky moves on a low step.
I did it, I did it!!

I sent in my order today, the Final Decision: Powerhour,Cardio Kicks, and Bodymax. I was thinking Imax because of the intensity but I like the cardio discription in Bodymax and the fact that it has upperbody work. Which I really need more of.
I'm happy, content, and sitting on pins and needles for my tapes.

My next order I plan to get is circuit max, Imax and maybe the wedding tape, I know it's one of the easier ones, but i don't care. But that's in the future.

BTW, How long will I be waiting for my tapes? Just wondering because I know the FIRM's take about 3wks. I hope it's sooner than that. I'm anxious to get started.

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