Which one has steps only (aerobic) not leg works?


Here is my rotation currently,

PUB Day:interval Run 25mins(in treadmill), PUB

Running Day:interval run 25 mins(in treadmill), coremax session 1, stretch max session 1

PLB day:interval run 25min(in treadmill), PLB

I think I repeat interval run too much. I tried to find a good alternative w/o to replace interval run in the running day between my day of PLB and PUB. I tried LM, boy, those lunges and squats gave my legs no rest after former day of PLB. Could anyone of you suggest Cathe's dvd(s) only have steps aerobic with little or no lunges and squats?


I would definitely not do interval runs back to back like that!! You could injure yourself. Maybe some kickboxing in between the running days...or even just an easy run...the other step workouts posted would be good too...:)...Carole
Thanks, Emily. I don't have any of the ones you mentioned. But I do have Imax 3. Can I use it?

Mckmain, Thanks for your advice. Kickboxing sounds a good idea. However, I remember after I did KM or KPC, I always felt sore in my arms and shoulder. It seems to me that I somehow worked my arms and shoulder by kickboxing. So is it OK to work kickboxing with PUB back to back?

Wantfit...if you don't do Kickboxing with any hand weights you are probably allright with PUB the next day. But both in the same day might be tough...:)...Carole
Thanks, Carole. I don't use any hand weights. I am not there yet. I guess my arms are not used to the punch moves. So it works at some of muscles, which I don't know what exactly muscle groups they are.

No I don't do kickboxing and PUB at the same time. My arms would be deep fried ;-) and I only have an hr and a half to w/o. I do it in between PUB and PLB, with CM and SM.

I just found out from Soosan post

I can do Imax 3 Step Only premix. It is only 31 min.

Carole, I like your flying pig. It's so cute. Could you tell me why you chose it?

You can do the LowMax Step-Only premix too. It's a LOT of fun! :)

You can do any of the IMAXes all the way through - there are no squats or lunges in the blasts, so your legs would be alright. IMAX3 is a tough interval workout, but it's fun. I use it between weight-training days and don't have any problems.
But if you re doing several (i.e. more than one) interval run per weeek, then you should not be doing the Imaxes which are INTERVAL WORKOUTS. Any interval, no matter which sort, places additional stress upon the joints and muscles. No more than 1 or 2 should be performed in a given week.

You could use Step Blast, RS, Powermax, Step Works, for your non-interval cardio.

Thanks for your valuable point. I don't have SB, RS, PM, SW though. I will do the step only premix in Imax 3. I have never done premix before. From what it said it seemed only step, no interval.

Now I am thinking about buying RS:)


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