Which one..GS or Pyramid?


I will be finishing up STS in a couple weeks, and plan to start a new STS rotation in September. In the mean time I'd like to make sure I maintain the muscle and strength I've built and an thinking I should go with either Gym Style or Pyramid for 6 weeks or so. Which do you think would be best? I run for cardio three times a week, so I'm only looking for a "weight program" until I begin STS again.
They are both excellent upper body workouts. I get bored real easy so I mix up GS, Pyramid and Slow & Heavy.
I'm a fan of GS. I like the variety. The pyramid workouts get really boring, really fast. I always felt like I could take those exercises and do them on my own. That I didn't need the workout dvd to do that workout (if that makes sense). The variety of exercises in the GS series never made me have that thought.
I'm glad I read these posts, I've been thinking about Gym Styles ever since FitnessFreak recommended the series to someone a couple of weeks ago. I crave beautiful muscle (especially after seeing the pictures of Amanda at Disney!) and I think I'm ready to commit to the challenge. I think I'll be breaking out the credit card today (lol!)!;)
I'm glad I read these posts, I've been thinking about Gym Styles ever since FitnessFreak recommended the series to someone a couple of weeks ago. I crave beautiful muscle (especially after seeing the pictures of Amanda at Disney!) and I think I'm ready to commit to the challenge. I think I'll be breaking out the credit card today (lol!)!;)

I did it! Bought the 3 Gym Styles DVDs!!! Also picked up the mini mat for my step and the 12-20 weight vest! WAHOOOOO!!!!!:eek:
I only have lower body pyramid (on vhs!) but am never motivated to do it b/c I feel like it gets boring pretty quickly, as clothesminded said. I only hang on to it for the 2nd, matwork portion. That said, I loooooove GS to pieces. I'm actually trying to decide if I should make that my weight rotation for August (I've only gone through those dvds for one, month-long rotation so far) or if I should start on 90 day supreme, which I recently bought... but between GS and pyramid, I'd definitely go with GS :)
I only have lower body pyramid (on vhs!) but am never motivated to do it b/c I feel like it gets boring pretty quickly, as clothesminded said. I only hang on to it for the 2nd, matwork portion. That said, I loooooove GS to pieces. I'm actually trying to decide if I should make that my weight rotation for August (I've only gone through those dvds for one, month-long rotation so far) or if I should start on 90 day supreme, which I recently bought... but between GS and pyramid, I'd definitely go with GS :)

Farah, this made me even more excited for GS to arrive!!!!:eek:

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