Which of your workouts are strength vs. endurance training?


New Member
Hi Cathe!

Love, love, love your workouts since I saw you on FitTV and I've seen such great results! :)

I've been doing some searching on strength vs. endurance training and how you need to do both for maximum muscle gains and maximum fat loss. OK -- got that. There was this great post I found about slow/fast twitch muscles and how both strength & endurance training stimulate different parts of the muscles:

From what I understand, strength training is doing low number of reps (4-6) at high intensity and endurance training is doing high number of reps (8-12) at low intensity. Either way, you pick a weight that you can do such that at the last rep, you can't possibly do one more.

My question is -- aren't then all your 'strength' workouts really endurance training workouts? I don't have all your DVD's, but I have quite a few - ME, Pyramid series, Muscle Max, etc. and all of exercises do at least 12 reps each.

Which of your workouts then are 'strength' and which ones then are 'endurance'?

Thanks! Tina

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