Which of BB DVD's are your favorites??? Why?


I'm trying to narrow down my purchase to 2 BB DVD's. I was considering the PP/SS, Timesaver and KPC/L and G. I already have KPC on video and LOVE it. I've heard great things about the Legs and Glutes, but wondered if it is already on the Timesaver, maybe that would be a better choice. What do you think? Also, how is the upper body work on PP/SS? I really like and have CTX Upper Body and I'm getting the PH DVD.

So, should I get PP/SS and Timesaver or KPC/LG and Timesaver?

Please Help.


My favorites are the Timesaver and KPC! I keep reaching for them over and over! The KPC workout is the most fun kickboxing workout I've ever done. I also LOVE the Timesaver because, I feel very worked out in just a short amount of time. No second is wasted in these workouts.

I love Supersets/Push Pull. Then again, I don't use Cathe workouts for cardio so that was pretty much the only one I bought :) I have seen Timesaver and KPC/L&G and still I like Supersets/Push Pull better.

If you can only get 2, and based on the fact that you have KPC on video, then I'd get PP/SS & Timesaver.
Be forewarned that the PP/SS workouts use the stability ball extensively during the entire workout. I personally like the variety. While you can do some substitutions, really the workouts are designed around the ball.
I can truly say ... I really dont like this last group of workouts
I still go back to my S&H and Pyramids and even cardio kicks etc..
very disappointed.. I will not prebuy the next group! ..

I still can not get my DVD kickboxing to work... AND THAT IS WHY I BOUGHT IT!... very disatistfied
I prefer the Intensity Series to BB, but of the BB series, I have kept KPC/Legs and Glutes and PP/SS. I actually like some of the premixes on PP/SS better than the original format (though it's unfortunate that there are no premixes that combine segments from the two workouts). I just did the three-round upper body premix of PP yesterday (only two rounds for biceps and triceps).
I've heard a lot of great things about Timesaver (which I opted not to buy during the pre-sale) especially from those who exercise very early in the morning before they go to work. If time is of essence to you, you might like this one a lot.

Between PP/SS and KPC/L&G, both of which I have, it's the KPC/L&G DVD I use a lot. When it comes to strength training I still go back to PS and Pyramids. For endurance, nothing beats Power Hour, for me at least. As some posters already noted, PP/SS uses the stability ball a lot, which is why I haven't used this DVD yet. I'm waiting for a time when I tire of my old workouts and want something different. I also use KPC/L&G more because I'm bottom heavy and this DVD targets my legs, hips and butt in a good way.

I guess what you get all depends on what your ultimate goals are, what you love doing, how much time you have.

I like KPC/LG the best by far. A distant second is SB/SJP because it has fun cardio, but is not as useful for my purposes. Timesaver is good but I usually have time for more. I like to combine things in it. My least favorite is SS/PP which requires too much work to find ways to get a tough workout out of it. If I had known what I know now, I only would have bought KPC/LG and SB/SJP.

Someone said KPC is easier than CardioKicks. I disagree. It is higher intensity yet low impact. And I do love the premixes.
I have the tapes and must say KPC and LG are my favorite. For some reason I've gotten the best results ever from LG of any leg workout EVER.
My favorites of the Body Blast Series are

I like the two below equally:
Step Jump and Pump (I really feel as though I've had the best of all worlds -- Step, Hi/Lo, and Weights!

Kick Punch and Crunch - The video that I initially thought I would like the least turns out to be the video I look forward to doing! And the ab work is awesome!

Second Choice:
Legs & Glutes - Very innovative and refreshing! I am seeing real results using this video.

Super Sets and Push and Pull are fine too, but the first three are my favs.

I REALLY dislike "Step Blast" -- if you want to be frustrated and/or feel like you are doing Christi Taylor, then do "Step Blast" -- can anybody out there do the third set where you do all those fast shuffles and then turn around the board? I can do every move except for this one -- I get all turned around and have to quickly correct myself!

I LOVE the Body Blast series (like I do all of Cathe's videos to-date) but Body Blast does not have the "Zest" of the Endurance series.

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