which movie do you think is the best?

I ned some opinions on these movies. I would of made it a poll but Im sure they'll be some people out there who havent seen all 3.
1. Meet the Fockers
2. Amityville Horror or
3. Oceans 12

Thanks guys!
Sorry but they all seem pretty crappy to me and I shan't be seeing any of them. Why do you need to know?

The only one I've seen of those is Meet The Fockers, which chock full of sick and twisted humor. So, needless to say, I enjoyed it thoroughly, being the sick and twisted girl that I am. (If you liked Meet The Parents, you'll enjoy Meet The Fockers)
I saw 1 & 3 and thought that the first of these two movies were so much better. I have no desire to see #2. So, if I really had to pick the best movie it wouldn't be any of these. Of these three I would say #1 because at least I got a few laughs out of the movie.

My DH and I loved Meet the Fockers. Very funny. Last night we watched Oceans 12. DH liked it but I fell asleep. I didn't see Amityville Horror.

i liked meet the fockers and oceans 12 equally.. haven't seen amityville horror...

neither that i've seen will win the oscars... they are purely entertainment (and popcorn eating time)

what specifically are you looking for? are you planning to see one?

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
If you like horror movies,then I would go see The Amityville Horror,but I really,really love horror flicks!!}(
Oh did I mention,I LOVE horror movies.....LOL
I've seen 1 & 3. I was not impressed with Oceans 12. Oceans 11 was much better. My vote is for Meet the Fockers. I saw it this past weekend and thought it was pretty funny. However I liked Meet the Parents better.

Sorry Amityville Horror is not on my "must see list". Horror films don't do anything for me. I hope you enjoy it though.
Haven't seen #2 or #3. But we almost walked out of the theater watching Meet the Fockers. We did not like it at all. We loved Meet the Parents and this sequel was a big disappointment.
I vote for Meet the Fockers. I love sick and twisted humor. I couldn't stop laughing when DH and I watched it last night. DH laughed at quite a few parts but some parts I thought was hilarious, he thought was stupid. He prefers Meet the Parents. If you want something stupid but funny at the same time, Meet the Fockers is it.

On rottentomatoes, which is a site that rates movies based upon all the reviews from various sources:

1. Fockers earned a rotten 38%
2. Amityville earned a rotten 24%
3. Ocean's Twelve got a rotten 56%

A film has to get at least 60% to be considered fresh.

I say skip all 3 of these clunkers.
I thoguht the The Amityville Horror was pretty good, and Ocean's 12 wasn't bad. Perhaps, and this is just a thought, we shouldn't really read reviews on films? How can one person tell people what they will and will not like. Everyone's tastes are different.
Hi, Wayne.

In general, I find that if the vast majority of newspapers, radio stations, etc. gave a movie a bad review, it's probably not a great movie.

My favorite reviewer is the New York Times, but I sometimes disagree with them. For example, they didn't like Shrek. (????) But, when I looked on rotten tomatoes, the majority of reviewers did like Shrek. In other words, where one reviewer may be just plain wrong, it's unlikely that the entire universe of reviewers is going to be completely wrong.

Of course, it does happen. I believe Anchorman was rated as fresh on rotten tomatoes, and I wasted my time and rented it. But, generally speaking, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell a good movie from a bad movie, and rotten tomatoes has saved me many, many wasted hours. :)

Meet the Fockers- Cheesy, mediocre, not half as good as the first. TOO LONG!

Amityville Horror- typical horror nonsense, but VERY scary! A lot better than the first. Oh and the actor who plays George Lutz is a HOTTIE!

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