Which leg video for someone w/problem knee

I am trying to decide between leaner legs, legs and glutes, and gym style legs and want one that will be the easiest on a knee that has been giving me problems. So far, lunges don't bother, nor does weight, but if I jump even once, the workout is over.
Any suggestions?
Legs and Glutes has jumps in it, but I don't think Gym Style legs does. Leaner Legs doesn't have jumps but it is very high rep and so intense that it might still bother your knees. GS Legs is paced a bit better IMHO. I would also stay away from the pulsing reps (low ends) that Cathe often does.
See, now I would go the other way. I'd say that L&G, which uses lighter weights and has a greater variety of exercises would be easier on the knees. Yes there are a few Plyometric moves - explosive plie squats and explosive lunges, but you don't have to jump those if you don't want to. Make sure you have your butt WAY back on squats, and don't do any move that hurts.
My gut is what Christine said, L& G, dropping explosives or anything that bothers you.
Or maybe the new B&G will be the key. I just got mine, but haven't done it yet.

In my opinion, Gym Style Legs does not effect my knees like Legs and Glutes. For some reason, when I use ankle weights, I tend to have more knee trouble. I really like gym style, it goes at a nice pace and you can do a lot or a little. Melissa
Can you view the clips? That should give you an idea of whether or not you can perform the exercises.
I say get both GSL and L&G the floor work is excellent and is less strenuous on the knees. And I think that the standing work in GSL is easier on my knees then L&G for some reason.
Take care
Thanks for the response. I think I am going to piece together bits of lg and gs legs until I get the right mix. Thanks for the input, it helped alot.
What a great idea, Randidiane. I hadn't thought of that. Up to now I've been doing my own floorwork after completing the standing work in GS Legs.
Well< it wound up being gs legs that seemed to be the best> l&g had my knee hurting within the first couple of minutes>
Sorry that your knee acted up. You may have to design your own workout consisting of the exercises that don't cause you any pain.
I have knee issues too and you know what I have found? These workouts are tough and I sweat a LOT whether I kill my knees by doing the high impact moves or if I figure out a modification of some kind. As long as I am doing SOMETHING, I think I am getting a benefit. And I do find as well that my knees do get a bit stronger if I try something hard once in a while. :)
I have knee issues. I had surgery on my left knee 13 months ago and 11 months ago on my right knee. My doctor said it would be 12-18 months before I might be able to do my normal activities. I still can't do any impact, no weights with squats and lunges. I do all workouts with modifications and I still get a great workout.

I have knee issues and I find Slow & Heavy Legs to be the least irritating because it is slow & controlled movements. You can go heavy or light. Legs & Glutes does o.k. - I just take the plyos out and on the plyo lunge exercise I just do another set of reps w/a step in between to transition to the other leg. Use little or no weights on the weighted leg exercises. I can do Leaner Legs, but use light weights and limit reps if necessary. Gym Style is good, too, but I don't do all of the pulsing lunges... hope that helps!
>I have knee issues and I find Slow & Heavy Legs to be the
>least irritating because it is slow & controlled movements.
>You can go heavy or light. Legs & Glutes does o.k. - I just
>take the plyos out and on the plyo lunge exercise I just do
>another set of reps w/a step in between to transition to the
>other leg. Use little or no weights on the weighted leg
>exercises. I can do Leaner Legs, but use light weights and
>limit reps if necessary. Gym Style is good, too, but I don't
>do all of the pulsing lunges... hope that helps!

Thanks, this is very helpful. So were all the posts about modifying. I get so focused on working towards the goal of completing the video and doing it just like it is shown that I have grown to think of them as being able to be done only "as is". But now a lot of people seem to say they are getting good results even with modifying so I will try your suggestions

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