Which is tougher?


I was wondering what the general consensus is on which leg routine is tougher - S&H Legs & Shoulders or CTX Leaner Legs or PS Legs & Abs?

Also, if you were going to work your legs twice/wk, which two would be most complementary to each other?

Thanks in advance
I think Leaner Legs is the toughest. I would use PS and Leaner Legs in one week, or you could do PS legs with heavier weights one time, and with lighter weights the next time for 2 workouts in one week.
I agree with Honeybunch. Leaner Legs is toughest to me!

I too like to pair Leaner Legs and PS Legs in a weekly rotation. I tend to pair S&H Legs with a lighter leg workout like CTX power circuit or Bodymax leg circuits.

Thanks ladies.

I've done PS Legs several times and thought that was tough, but WHOA! Leaner Legs is hands down the toughest leg workout I've ever done! I haven't done S&H legs yet(just got it). I did do the S&H chest/back and although using the heavy weights made it tougher than other videos, I was surprised I didn't 'feel' it until the 2nd day. That was weird for me as usually I get a 'good sore' the very next day. I don't know why. Anyway, I was wondering what was in store for me with S&H!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-02 AT 03:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Miz Healthy Choice Ice Cream Lady - Are you my long lost sister? We sure agree on a lot of stuff!
In case you are counting votes, I'd like to add mine in. I think Leaner Legs is the toughest, but PS Legs causes the most strength gain. I like to pair PS Legs with Leaner Legs, or PS Legs with BodyMax or MIS in the same rotation. SH Legs can also be paired with Leaner Legs, but it seems easiest because it is so slow.
I have had to get creative to get enough weight on my back for this one, I tie 5 lbs worth of ankle weights around my waist and then hoist 55 lbs on my barbell, which I honestly feel is all I'll ever be able to get up there in this lifetime, as it is pretty hard to get up there as it is.
You could also try doing the PS legs by splitting it, up into two days..the standing portion one day, the floorwork a couple of days later. I did that and liked the results.

I did the first half of the tape with weight as heavy as I could do, then put 2 full days between for recovery and then did the second half of the tape with weight as heavy as I could do.

I liked this because I get sick of all standing floorwork, squats, lunges etc. With the split, I was really able to get a better variety, and work the muscles differently. (Plus they were "fresher" for that floorwork so I could really work 'em.!)

Good luck!!

I agree with everyone that LL is tough, but what I love about it is the variety of exercises, and to me, that shaves off the whole dread factor. I actually think this tape is fun. Call me crazy.
I love the variety too. I feel like there isn't any 'killer' exercise left out of LL. The only floor exercise that gets me more than the standing work in LL is that wonderful (evil?) leg work with the 15 lb body bar in PS legs. Uuuugghhh...my inner thighs hurt just thinking about it!

However, after just one workout with S&H chest there's a wonderful fullness/firmness across the top of my chest. So I can't wait to see what results I get from S&H legs.

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