Which is best strength DVD?


Hello, all! I am a new Cathe fanatic and I am posting to beseech your input! I want to order another strength DVD to add to my lineup (I already have CTX and Power Hour+ and love 'em!) and didn't know where to go from there. I would get them all, obviously if $ allowed, but I would like to know what you guys thought in order from your favorite to least: Pure Strength, S & H, Push/Pull/Super, PUB/LB. Thank you so much for your advice and opinions!
Favorite to least favorite(but I still enjoy the least favorites):
Edited to say that if MM and the Gym Style series were on your list they would be tied for the #1 spot along with the Pyramids.
I love the pyramids, I think they are Cathe's most effective strength workouts. I also have S&H and like those a lot as well... I don't have the others but I've asked around and Push/Pull and the Supersets do not appear to be as challenging. Check out the DVD board - there is a sticky with poll results about the workouts perceived to be the most challenging.

Fave to least (but still love the least!):



Edited to say: Welcome to Cathe...so glad you're here. :)
Wow, well I am definately getting the pyramids! Thank you for your input! I found that poll, and I am ready for a good butt kicking! I have to admit I am a bit sketchy on S&H. I have never done a boring Cathe workout, but how slow is slow, and does the time go slow?
I have been working out to Cathe for about 3 years.

I like SS/PP because it is pretty efficient to me - like Power Hour. If you increase the weights it is plenty tough.

Slow Heavy is very slow and it is easy to get bored with it. If you want to work one muscle group like crazy at a time then gym style is a little more interesting. I may be biased because I SH is one of the few that I have on VHS and you can't mix it up.

PUB and PLB are super duper hard, but changing weights constantly sometimes drives me off of them. I feel like I spend more time changing weights than lifting weights.

Just some random thoughts...hope this helps.
If you have cable, you can check out all of those workouts (except for Pure Strength) on FitTV. Cathe's on a couple of times a day in the morning and they rotate the workouts. I recorded all of them and did them a few times to decide which ones I wanted to buy. I love PUB/PLB. Slow and Heavy is very slow, but I don't get bored with it because I don't do it as often. It's great to break out of a rut or plateau. I decided not to buy Push Pull after trying it a few times because I felt it just wasn't hard enough for me. Same with Supersets.
I know Slow & Heavy isn't immensely popular because it does move "slow", and some people think it's boring. However, I have to admit that it has been the one series that has given me the most definition. I am slender with a small bone structure. It is NOT easy for me to build muscle, but S&H has done the trick.

I don't know why, but PUB/PLB is very easy for me. I use exactly the weights Cathe uses, and I get no DOMS and don't feel like I've seen a lot of results from it. I do like PUB/PLB however. I think they are great workouts, but still, for best results (at least with my body type), I recommend S&H.
Good choice! I think you'll like the Pyramids. I just want to mention that if you're concerned with boredom, the Pyramids involve what sometimes seems like an endless 5 sets per exercise. Just keep in mind that there is an "up only" and "down only" premix choice that is just great, and quite a time-saver to boot. The premixes do away with the boredom factor.

S&H and Gym Style are my favorite workouts for upper body followed by PUB. Since I like to work work on one to two body parts per day, if I use PUB, I will do only one set of exercises for a particular body part and I will combine it with other upper body exercises, usually from the CTX series that target the same body part. If I am running short on time for a particular week, I will do all of PUB but consider this a maintenance maneuver. For lower body, S&H, PLB and Gym Style Legs are my favs. I do not like Push/pull or supersets too much.
My favorites are Slow & Heavy best, down to Pure Strength, Super Sets but as a split of the upper & lower blasts on the dvd, then the Pyramids
Diane Sue

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