Which Hardcore DVD are you going to do first?

I love previewing new workouts when I am walking on the treadmill or riding my bike. Seems to make the time go by faster. Not sure which one I will preview first. I am curious though about Low Max and how Cathe did this one. As everyone else has said, it all depends on where I am in my rotation.

This is a good question - I have no idea!
I'll preview them first too and like others, depending on my rotation, will just start subbing them in. But maybe I'll start with Imax3 too.
Oh I just can't wait!!!!

IMAX3 for me first - no preview...I've waited long enough!! During the recovery phase of this workout I'll preview the Extreme DVD see what that's all about!

Oh my patience is really, really stretched right now :)))

How much longer must we wait???

Oh the anticipation!!
depends on when they get here.... i have a century (100 mile) bike ride coming up on feb 5th... so if they come that week... i won't we able to do too many of them cuz i need to do easier workouts that week to "save" my legs and strength for the 100 miles!

otherwise... right now i'm thinking kickmax... but we'll see once i get them and see them!
You are all gonna think I'm nuts, but I don't plan on doing any of them until March. I've already got my February rotation worked out, so I think I'll just go with it.

Now, for March, I think I'll will put together a rotation that incorporates the Gym Style Workouts, IMAX 3 and Kick Max, as well as the ab and stretch DVDs. I'll probably blend in some older cardio workouts too, just so that I'm not in perpetual learning mode. If I pick up these new ones fast enough, perhaps I'll give the remaining new ones a try.

I don't plan on previewing them; I usually just jump right in.

yep... you're right! i think you are nuts! lol! i won't be able to hold back once i have them (unless they come right before my ride!)

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