Which Fitness Celebrities that is annoying to you???????


New Member
I am just wondering of all the fitness celebrities out there, which one is the most annoying to you guys??????

I can not stand Denise Austion and Kathy Smith.

I don't mind Kathy Smith. I don't think I've ever seen Denise Austin (well, I've seen pictures but I can't judge from that). I really like Gin Miller. She's lots of fun.
Denise Austin, the most opportunistic fitness professional in the industry. Do a search of this forum & you'll see how we all feel about her.
I used to work out to Denise and my daughter couldn't stand her! She is quite cheesy and annoying. (Denise, not my daughter!)

I love Gin Miller and Tamilee Webb.

Denise Austin and the Stepford Firm Ladies. I am sure they are nice people but the Firm has them under a diabolical spell.
Denise Austin for sure.
There is someone else, Heidi (I'm pretty sure that's her name) from the FIRM. The way she speaks and her big clown bright red lips drive me nuts!
RE: Which Fitness Celebrities that is annoying to you??...

I actually like Kathy Smith - I have several of her DVDs and enjoy them all.

Denise Austin drives me batty though - something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I'll 2nd the comment about her being extremely opportunistic. I see her face in pop-up ads on my computer, and on infomercials, and magazines and just about everywhere.

Nancy Tucker (one of the Firm instructors) really annoys me too. I just don't enjoy any of her workouts - they are slow and boring. And her voice is so monotonous and she way overcues (if there is such a thing). It really bugs the heck out of me.
Denise Austin by far tops my list.
Then there's Tony Little (the guy with the long ponytail that I'd like to just chop off!).
There's a CIA instructor who has done some kickboxing and bootcamp workouts,which I would like, but I can't stand her. Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard, her kicks are high "dancer" kicks instead of kickboxing kicks, and her punches are done with open hands.
oh boy, another vote for Denise Austin. Here perkiness is just WAY over the top. For some reason Sharon Mann gets on my nerves too. Maybe it's her over zealous dancy people in the background. Dunno.

RE: Which Fitness Celebrities that is annoying to you??...

Tony Little is definately annoying but I do like the Gazelle...:)

Years back I used to do Denise Austin's work outs and I enjoyed them but I can see how she'd definately get under one's skin...

Some of the Firm instructors could irritate me but I enjoyed the work outs so I looked past it...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Thanks for the reply ladies. Everyone I know can't stand Denise, but why is she still around???????????????????????????? We should have Cathe on Lifetime TV instead.
The Stepford Firm ladies lolol! That's one I haven't heard but tend to agree with. Although I'm sure some might argue that we are under Cathe's spell ;-)
I have managed to avoid Denise Austin based on her reputation.
Kathy Smith gets on my nerves as does Mari Windsor.
Moira Stott does as well because she seems to have no personality.
Next to Cathe, my favorite is Gin Miller.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
Add me to the anti-Denise Austin group.

Also, and I know some people really like her, but I can't warm up to Sharon Mann. OH, but WORSE than her (and even worse than Denise Austin) is that one girl to Sharon Mann's left (our right wehn viewing the TV) who jumps all around the place so much I think she's on drugs. She's not an instructor, just an extra, but BOY OH BOY does she have PEP or what?!? LOL

Sharon Mann, definitely. I watched her show a couple of times and she really scares me.


I like Tamilee Webb. I also like Gilad a lot, and I think his workouts are great for people just starting out, but I wonder what it would be like trying to get a "burn" with three-pound weights!! }(

I vote for Denise too :p . For me it's her eyes, they are like WIDE OPEN (scarey) I swear that girl is flying on coffee or..............

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