Which first potty training or Binky removal?

Which first potty training or Binky removal?

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Hi ladies! Number four is on it's way and I would like to start potty training my 3 year-old son, and also get rid of his binky-fetish. In you expert opinion....which would you tackle first and why?!
Thanks, you ladies are always so helpful. :)
well, . .i would ask my son which would he prefer. you'd be surprised how much they appreciate it. however, since i work in a dental office i would have to vote for the binkie. pacifiers are major no, no's for new teeth. no matter what you decide trust me it will get harder before it gets easier but it WILL get easier. this to shall pass. as the mother of a 6 year old autistic (aspergers) child who took 4 months to potty train, . . . there is light at the end of that tunnel. it will drive you mad, . . and there will be days when you feel like giving in but remember you're bigger than they are and hey you make the rules. just make sure that your husband treats you like the queen of england come mothers day! good luck.
Hi Melanie,

Okay, my kids never took the pacifier so I don't know why I voted binky, but I think it's because it's a security thing and habit which is easier to get them to break versus potty training where I think the child has to be ready to potty train. I also vote binky because of the teeth issue. All the dentists I know say that pacifiers are not good for growing teeth. My neice is addicted to her pacifier and I hardly ever see her without it. I know my sister-in-law is fine with giving it to her until preschool so everyone is different I guess. Potty training to me is a longer process and your child might not be ready so if you go with the binky, you can bribe them to trade it in for something else like a stuffed animal or blanket.

Good luck and let us know what you decide to do!

I vote binky too...but, if your son has shown signs of begin ready for potty training I'd do that soon after. I heard a great way to get rid of the binky is by cutting the part they suck on.

Good luck!
My friends just finished potty-training their daughter at two years and 3 months. She didn't really "show signs of being interested," but it was done in two weeks. They got rid of the binky two weeks later.

When I was a nanny, I went through the potty training for two kids...both were completely potty-trained by 2 1/2 years.
I'm looking for the Binky Fairy Story. Anyone know where I can find it? Our pediatric dentist is not concerned about the binky; however, when my son wakes up at 3am to demand a binky that he can't find...I know it's time!!!

In preparation, I've been talking to Justin about the binky fairy and telling him he'll have to let them go soon. He did go potty in toliet today too. Yeah! The price? Two fruit snacks. :)

Please keep on voting!!!!!

"J" due 11/11/07
Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

I guess it's the same kind of thing...A family that I babysat for had twins. They told them at Christmas that Santa needed Binkies for children who didn't have them. So, they put the pacifiers out with the cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. Now, it worked for one (the boy), but not the little girl!

Good luck with the Binky Fairy!
How come there are 88 VIEW and only SIX votes!?!?!? Come on ladies!!!! Help me out!!!! :D :D :D


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

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