Which DVD to start with?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm reasonably new to Cathe (I have Step Heat on VHS, that's it). I consider myself an intermediate/advanced exerciser, use lots of FIRMs, cardio/step, yoga and pilates tapes. Right now my fitness goals include losing that *last* 5 lbs, maintaining my strength, endurance and flexibility, and whittling my middle just a little. I'm relatively close to my "goal", and looking for variety as much as or more than anything else.

I want to begin to collect more workouts on DVD format, and am wondering which Cathe DVD would be the best one to start with. It looks to me like CTX is the only one that has both cardio and strength training on it - but I'm wondering if I shouldn't start with something different? I love cardio (though have a big collection) - I don't have much slow and heavy weight work (hmmm, maybe I should do what doesn't come as easily? But it is daunting to think of that since it would be my first real Cathe purchase...KWIM?) Does anyone have any recommendations?


You sound a lot like me. I did The Firm and others for years before deciding I was ready for Cathe - ha! My first purchase was the CTX DVD in February. Since then I have purchased them all. I am SO GLAD I went with CTX first. The cardio's are shorter but super intense so you build up endurance for her longer step tapes. The weight training is more of an endurance type, but you can also go heavy and slow down the reps. I was so encouraged with the results I saw after about a month, that I ordered the 12 pack. I have incorporated at least one part of CTX in every rotation I have done since Feb. Since you only have 5 lbs to lose, I STRONGLY suggest starting with CTX. There isn't a ton of breakdown on the choreography, but you will get it. And then when you order her other tapes (and trust me, you will want them all!) you already have the moves down so you can focus on intensity and not learning the steps. Once you have her style down, and a great base of muscle, then move onto PS or S&H. But whatever you do - have fun!!!

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