Which dvd should I buy? Opinions wanted!


Low Max or Low Impact Circuit? I am a chorographically-challenged, intermediate wanting a low impact workout...That said, if its too dancy and has tricky moves, it will become a dust-collecter straight away! Your advice would be very much appreciated!
They are both great workouts but since you say you are choreographically challenged, I would go with Low Impact Circuit. Maybe once you can tackle Low Impact Circuit, you could try Low Max which is a great workout. Low Max is basically cardio with leg sculpting drills whereas Low Impact Circuit has strength work for upper and lower body. Low Max has 4 premixes and Low Impact Circuit has 6 premixes. HTH.

2 totally different workouts in my opinion...Low Max is an interval workout...I won't lie, the choreography is a little harder to learn (it took me a while..I'm a total klutz!) But once you learn it, it a a great low impact interval workout...No weight work in this video.

Low Impact Circuit is a workout that uses weight work in between the cardio and blast segments. It also has some great premixes (ie just cardio, just upper body, etc). I didn't find the choreography overly challenging..but I have been doing Cathe workouts for over a year now and have gotten used to her style. I do not think that the cardio blasts in LIC are nearly as difficult as the ones in LoMax.

I hope I have answered your question. I think it just depends on what your goals are at this point. Good luck and happy shopping.


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Thanks so much for your answers! It really helps! It looks like LIC would be the better one for me at the moment. Cheers :)

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