Which do you think is worse: sugar or caffeine?

Hands down, sugar is the worst. I fight it every day. I wouldn't care about a moderate amount, but I can't seem to do that anymore. Once I start eating it, I go crazy.
Caffeine I could care less...I have 2 cups of coffee a day, do not drink sodas of any kind (just don't like them) & I don't feel any need to change that.
By the way, I did read recently that iced teas do not have the same benefits as hot teas. Don't know if it's true of course, but that's what they're saying (this year).
I gotta tell you though, I don't want those Chinese Crotch Crickets!!
Ruth:) :)
Sugar and high GI foods makes me feel like crap. They zap my energy and I become addicted and want more high-GI foods. The evils of sugar are well-established in my life. There is such a direct connection with the way that I feel that giving it up was almost easy (if you don't count the occasional handful of jelly bellys before bedtime).

As for coffee and caffeinated drinks, my doctor says that one day she thinks they will have hard evidence that coffee is bad for you. I think she said something about cortisol levels if I'm remembering correctly, although I don't know what that means. But she says there is no concrete evidence yet. She actually said that she even thinks decaf will prove to be harmful :-( And Kathyrn's acupuncturist is probably right.

In a perfect world, I would give up coffee, if only to be a more relaxed, calmer person and to be less irritable. In the real world, though, I cut my coffee with lots of decaf for damage control, but I love it too much to give it up completely.

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