Which Christi Taylor should I get?

Muffin Top

I'm looking for a little variety--I've done only Cathe workouts for about 4 months and don't want to burn out. I was checking out Christi Taylor. The two I have my eye on are the Solid Gold ones--Cardio and/or Step. I am mostly looking for less intense workouts than Imax 2 or even Step Blast--but with the same level of choreography. Power Max and Step Blast are my favorite Cathe workouts if that helps with the suggestions. Thanks for the help!!
Why don't you try Fantastic Four? You get two step workouts and two hi/lo. Christi's choreography is usually complex but if you can do Step Blast, I don't see why you can't do Christi's with a little practice. Her choreography is more towards Step Blast than Power Max. I love Christi's choreography and her music. She's great at cueing and I find her easy to follow. Just don't do all the turns in the beginning. She loves to add turns wherever she can. I don't have any of the Solid Gold ones but I do have Totally Cool Step and Totally Hot Cardio. I would recommend them both. You could also look at videofitness.com for reviews of these.

I think you'll be happy with whatever you choose. Any Christi I've tried so far, I liked.

I agree that the Fantastic Four DVD is the best compilation of Christi's workouts, but if you never have done her stuff before, you may opt for the Solid Gold Series, due to the Movemaster segment that breaks down the choreography for you. I do not find SB to be nearly as complex as Christi, but it all depends on how well you "get" the steps down, as everyone is different.
The Totally series is another good set that, imo, is not as complex as her other choreography.
Just a few suggestions.
Thanks to both of you! I think I will start out with the "Totally" workouts--her site lists them both as intermediate and that's probably the best place for me to start. Thanks again!:)
I agree with the Fantastic Four DvD as well. The choreography is more complex than Cathe's but is definitely fun especially her music selection. I can get Cathe's choreo by just going along with the w/o but with Christi's wo/s the wind/rewind button is my friend! I keep plugging away though because it looks so fun especially if you can keep up with her turns,and dancy numbers she throws into the mix.
Ok Ok! I just ordered Fantastic four from Ebay. I read some online reviews and this sounded like the best deal. Christi isn't like Cathe, right? Once you start, you have to collect every workout? Cause as it is, I'm just hoping I live long enough to learn them all.:+
I didn't have to collect every workout, but I did have to get quite a few. Her workouts are just so much fun for me and her music really gets you motivated. I started with CIA 9801 and that got me hooked. Then when DDD had their sale, their prices were too good to pass up so I got Totally Cool Step, Totally Hot Cardio and Fantastic Four. Mission Possible is supposed to be her easiest, more for beginners or intermediates. I try to read a lot of reviews before I buy so I don't get anything I won't like.

I have almost all of Christi's tapes, and I love them all. To me, her best workouts, and the ones I most enjoy, are: Hi Low Heaven, Step Heaven, Still Jumpin' and Totally Hot Cardio/Totally Cool Step (I may have those titles reversed, though). I really like all of her workouts, honestly. She has been my favorite instructor for a long time now, that is until I discovered Cathe this past year. You really can't go wrong with any of her tapes. Though I did read some negative reviews of her most recent offerings, like StepSensational and Cardio Collectables. I haven't bought those, for that very reason. I do like her newer hi-lo workout though, which is FUNKtional Fitness. The aerobic segment is a bit shorter than normal, but it has a nice strength section which is a decent full body workout for when you are crunched on time and want to do both cardio and strength. Overall, I think you made a great selection getting Fantastic Four. It has a lot of her best workouts on it. :)

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