Which Cathe workout has the most deeply relaxing post-workout cooldown/stretch bit at


New Member
One of my Cathe DVDs has a PARTICULARLY relaxing bit at the end, that is so very relaxing that it actually sends me to sleep. Can anyone tell me which one it might be? I have so many I can't find it. It might be one of the easier workouts but I'm not sure. I am gradually working my way through all the ones I have to try to find it, but if anyone out there happens to remember a cooldown/stretch/relaxation end bit in which Cathe gets us so relaxed we fall asleep or nearly so, please let me know which it is.

The other possibility is that it might have been a workout I followed along with on Fit TV, that I don't (yet!) own. I don't have the Stretch Max DVDs, for example. But my memory of it is that it was at the end of a more vigorous workout than the Stretch ones. I think it ended with lying on the floor for a while, but it might be that I fell asleep at that point and actually it continued on, so not even sure about that!

Any ideas anyone?
what is she wearing in that workout? that may help you figure it out

all of her workouts have relaxing endings - also, maybe you were just tired that day - I have fallen asleep doing yoga on one day and the next time it totally energizes me; it's pretty subjective;

more details are required - finding the "relaxing stretch" out of 40+ workouts is kind of like saying find those "blue" jeans
Well tomorrow I'm doing Step Fit from her Cardio Hits and it has a longer stretch than many of them I love the stretch in that, its just the right length.
Is it the one at the end of Drill Max, with the Asian inspired music? I think that's the right workout. That stretch is amazing and SOOO relaxing.

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