which Cathe video next?


New Member
Hi Gang,
I have the pure strength series and split this M/W/F and lift heavy. I use stepfit T/Th and then another cardio video on Saturday. I cannot afford a whole series right now, but just want to start adding to my collection. What would you experienced Cathe people recomment next?
I have lost 12 pounds since Christmas, yeah!! But my weight loss has stalled the past 2 weeks. I would love to lose 10 more to pre-pregnancy weight. The worst thing is that I am sooo hungry all the time since I have been lifting heavy. Any suggestions would be so helpful...

mommy to baby Katelynn (age 5 months)
imax2/cardio and weights dvd........you can do imax2 or several of its pre mixes and cardio and wts has a premix of just cardio.......but it is a great circut workout too!!
I would suggest getting Imax 2 - it's an interval workout and you can purchase that on VHS. It would be good to add an interval workout in for more cardio and help you shake things up a bit. It's really fun too! :) :)

Congrats on your baby and your weight loss.

Maybe your cardio needs shaking up a bit. Could you possibly add another day of cardio?

IMAX2 is a good suggestion. BootCamp or Kick,Punch and Crunch would probably serve you well also. I would lean more towards Kick Punch and Crunch. It would give you a break from step.

thanks for all the suggestions. What you are saying is focus more on cardio, and the pure strength series should serve me well for awhile?

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