Which Cathe music do you like best?

Which Cathe music do you like best?

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I personally have enjoyed all the tracks Cathe has chosen for her workouts through the years, so for me it's hard to vote ...reason why I didn't. :)
The Intensity Series is my favorite. I even got the CD!. The music in Legs & Glutes is my fav of BodyBlast....:)...Carole
I didn't vote either because I kind of neutral about all of the music. Usually, I'm really focused on Cathe's voice, and the music just kind of keeps the beat going. Do any of you find that certain music pumps you up?

I did SP&J this morning and sang my little heart out from beginning to end, Steve Miller, Nirvana and The Cranberries all in one workout, I can't ask for more. Too bad even "Breakfast at Tiffany's" can't distract me from those love-to-hate-'em low end lunges!! x( :7

Take Care
Hi Gina -

I find that the music in IMax2 pumps me up like no other, I just love it! I find it very motivating. But then, music is always a big factor for me in working out.
I voted the most recent one, but would have picked Power Hour/S&H if it was on the list. I like the style of that music the best.

Her new stuff is fun too, but I like rock or metal for weighlifting!

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