Whey Protein Powder


I just broke down and bought some chocolate flavored Whey Protein Powder (I've been avoiding it) but now I don't know what to do with it.

The can says it's 100 cal. per scoop, but it doesn't contain a scoop...what would be considered a scoop - a Tablespoon?

I'd love to hear any suggestions for ways to use this!

I'll bet ya it contains a scoop - unfortunately, you will have to dig your hand pretty deep to find it - a scoop is usually MUCH MUCH larger than a tablespoon. I mean MUCH larger!!

Good luck!

Clarissa ;)
>I'll bet ya it contains a scoop - unfortunately, you will
>have to dig your hand pretty deep to find it - a scoop is
>usually MUCH MUCH larger than a tablespoon. I mean MUCH
>Good luck!
>Clarissa ;)

Oh, what a ninny I am! Yes, there is a scoop and yes, it is way bigger than a tablespoon! Now, to figure out some tasty ways to use it.:)
Yep, it usually settles to the bottom. You can make all kinds of yummy shakes- add some fruit, yogurt (or milk, soymilk), etc. I also like to add 1/2 a scoop to my Kashi GoLean + soymilk. Yummy! I don't like chocolate in my oatmeal, but some people like it that way. (I do love the BSN lean dessert cinnamon roll in my oatmeal though!)

Good luck!
I kind of wish that I had waited to get one of those yummy BSN flavors. I think the chocolate is going to limit me.
Thanks for the suggestions, Jess!
Actually I thought that when my vanilla ran out cuz my fav in the AM is adding mixed berries.

But when I added the mixed berries to my chocolate I only tasted the berries. You may just be surprised.

Or . . . I like chocolate banana, and orange and chocolate taste good together (my fav dessert is chocolate mousse and I add Grand Marnier:7 )
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 Tbsp peanut butter
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder

Mix all the above together. Can put in freezer for 1/2 hour if want. I eat this couple times a week as evening snack.

Also use powder in my oatmeal, shakes, pancakes, and bars. Check google for protein pancakes and bars. DH loves homemade protein bars.


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