Where to start with Cathe DVD's????


Active Member
I have seen a lot of advice for getting dvds on here but most aren't for newbies that I could find. It looks like everyone is VERY helpful on this forum too!
I mostly use the treadmill everyday and then in the evenings at a video. The videos vary... this week I have been using the stability ball.
I have been working out since last summer and have lost 10lbs+ and of course this includes cutting back on carbs and trying to eat better! My stomach isn't hanging over my jeans now and my legs are looking better (have that awful orange peel look). I sit at least 8 hours a day at my office job... UGH!
I guess my goal is to really get things toned up! I am going to Hawaii in October and I would love to be able to wear a bikini if I want and not to feel that my legs/butt are horrid looking. I am 28 years old and weigh 122lbs at the moment. I guess my main concern is my legs/butt as far as appearance goes at this point. Too many lunges hurt my knees but perhaps I don't do them correctly. However, I would like to tone everything and start to define but one step at a time I guess. Any suggestions at wear to start with Cathe's workouts would be a tremendous help! There are so many dvds!!! I don't care for step routines all that much and never noticed much success with them in the past. I heard weight lifting is Very good for you. I do some weightlifting but only own handweights up to 8lbs.
Well if you need more info. just write to me or if you would like to chat! Thanks for all your help! This forum rocks!
Stephanie :7
I think the Kick, Punch, Crunch/Legs and Glutes DVD is just the thing for you. You get a fun, high intensity cardio workout with KPC, and all the kicks do wonders for toning your legs. There's an excellent ball workout for the abs at the end of this one also.

Then to really concentrate on your lower body, you have Legs and Glutes. There's a lot of variety of moves on this one. You'll be bathingsuit ready for Hawaii.

For all around cardio and weight work, perhaps Muscle Endurance and Bootcamp. Cathe uses fairly light weights in Muscle Endurance, but I think you will want to get 10# and 12# weights anyway. Bootcamp is rather intense and the weight work for lower body utilizes a barbell - although handweights could be substituted. No step required, although Cathe uses the High Step. I used a stool I cut down to size for months before purchasing a High Step myself.

Hope this helps.

Hi Stephanie.

Welcome to the forums. It sounds to me like you could really benefit from getting into weight training. Perhaps begin with an overall total body endurance workout that tones, rather than builds, muscle. Good choices, in my opinion, would be:

Muscle Endurance (this DVD comes with Boot Camp, a circuit workout)
Power Hour/MIS
Muscle Max
Push Pull/Supersets

Check out the previews of these workouts on this website to see how they look.

You will need to invest in a set of dumbbells and a barbell set is great to have, especially for leg work. I use dumbbells up to 25 pounds, but you could probably start with a set going from 5's to 15's. My barbell set has weights up to 100 pounds or so, but I find I haven't really ever gone over 50.

Hope this helps,
Thanks you guys for all the help! and any future help! I just feel flustered over all the choices of videos! None of the videos that I own really focus on serious weight lifting either, just light toning (and that is for the arms).

Weather has been fabulous here! 80s/90s! Sunny! However, I am stuck in this drab office! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... x(

You sound exactly like me when I started Cathe! I also did all the videos with some cardio but only light weights, but decided I needed to move to the next step. That was 12 weeks ago and wow how things have toned, firmed and changed! I too was overwhelmed by the selection of videos! I wanted to get my upper legs in shape, but I am choreographyically (not really a word!) challenged so I didn't want step videos.

Here is what I have been doing and the changes have been great!

Legs & Glutes (using 5 lb ankle weights not 2 lbs.) Pyramid LB, and/or GS Legs (2 of the 3 each week)
30 minutes on Elliptical (2 times per week) and 30-45 minute run once a week

You will have to invest in some equipment but it is worth it. You can find a inexpensive barbell on walmart.com.

Drinking lots of water will help the dimpled look on your legs. I also highly recommend Nivea Q10 lotion and Neutrogena Cellulite Treatment. They at least help the appearance of your skin.

:) I slather it on everyday!

Have a wonderful trip to Hawaii! I think you will love doing Cathe and see great results!

I started with the Intensity series - a little bit of everything! But if you are looking for weights.........I would suggest the
MIS/PH/BM dvd which is excellent!!!

Also the ME/BC is terrific bc you get a fantastic circuit workout with tons of premix selections plus a great endurance weight workout!!! OK - I would get this one!

I would definately get a light, medium, and heavy set of dumbbells!

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