Where to Purchase VHS Tapes/DVD advice


With all your good help, I am really anxious to get started, but would like to know if there is some economical way to purchase the VHS tapes (other than this site) being I will probably end up getting a number of them (hopefully). Some of the places have such high shipping charges, it really adds up.

Mainly -- since I only have VHS now and plan to purchase DVD shortly, I don't want to invest more than I have to right now.

Do you think it's worth getting DVD at this point, or waiting till they are perfected more (i.e,, combo DVD/VHS player)? Also, any pointers as to whcih DVD to get?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Depending on which videos you are looking to purchase, you could try www.fitnessvideofanatics.com, she has some of Cathe's stuff. Also, www.collagevideo.com. HOWEVER, you have said you are looking to purchase more than one video. Cathe offers free shipping after purchasing the 2nd video.

DVD players are pretty much "perfected" now. Because VHS is going to go by way of Beta, 8-track & cassettes, you may as well go ahead & get a player now. I wouldn't bother with the combo. That adds so much to your cost it isn't worth it, when you can buy both pieces separately for less than a combo. Just make sure that you "test" all the features of the DVD player when you buy it. Sony & Panasonic are the best on the market & offer reasonable prices on their product.
I agree with Fitness Goddess. Not only are DVD players "perfected" by now, DVD's (especially Cathe's) offer so much more convenience and mix-n-match options that you will really blow the ceiling off your workout program. IMHO, rather than shooting for a DVD/VHS combo, go for a 5-disc programmable DVD player (DH and I got one in December 2002 for less than $170.00), and make sure to rent a techno-geek to show you how to use it! :+

As far as which DVD's to get, well, in CatheLand it's hard to limit yourself. I'd recommend the CTX Series and the Intensity Series to start . . . understanding that Cathe-Addiction sets in fast.

Good luck!

Thanks to both ofyou. Since I'm just starting out, and want weights only right now (my treadmill works overtime), I'll probably just get MIS (VHS) for now, and then delve into the other recommendations after I get a DVD probably in about 3 weeks. And I don't have to rent a techno-geek, luckily I have a multi-talented son-in-law!

Again, thanks

Which DVD player did you get? I'm particularly asking for the make and model. I'm still researching these and one site only had two or three that were recommended by fitness users. They are all around $200.

I have an older panasonic & if you are looking on-line & only seeing them over $200 check out WalMart, K-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. Even though Wal & K-Mart are not the "best" stores, the products are identical to the higher end stores & MUCH cheaper. You should NOT, I repeat SHOULD NOT pay more that $175/$180 for a dvd player. I paid $150 over a year ago & mine is still going strong.
Mine's a Sony Something-Or-Other, that has 5-disc capability, programming features within each disc AND among all discs in the tray, a disc-skip feature and a chapter-skip / chapter-revert feature on the remote. The beauty of my model is (and I don't know if Fitness Goddess's Panasonic model is the same way) is that if you hit the "stop" or "disc-skip" button to get you out of a specific point on the disc you're on, the machine "remembers" that point, and when you put that disc back in, the machine goes directly to that point. You don't have to futz around with the introductions or chapter menus if you don't want to. And, with the chapter-skip feature, if you like certain parts of a workout but not others, you can just skip forward to those parts.

We found ours December 2002 at Best Buy here in the Mpls/St. Paul area for about $168.00; would've been even cheaper net-net if we'd remembered to send in the rebate coupon. Again I agree with Fitness Goddess - you shouldn't have to pay more than that for your new equipment. I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't find one for about $150-160 by now.

Good luck!

Sony DVP-NC655P/S

I have that exact same Sony DVD player as A-jock, but mine was ~$210 including tax/shipping. I think this is the price with the Progressive Scan feature. I ordered mine online from Crutchfield, because even though all the local 'Ultimate Electronics' stores carried this model, they only had it in black, and I just HAD to have the silver one instead of the plain black one. :p

This DVD player is awesome. I am having a ball customizing workouts with Cathe's great chapering on the 5-disc changer. I would highly recommend this model - Sony DVP-NC655P/S.

Also, I have heard that the Panasonic model does not allow as much programming flexibilty as the Sony. I don't know for sure since I don't have this, but you may want to check some other online reviews at www.videofitnes.com

If you are going to get the MIS video, I would strongly encourage you to consider getting the DVD which also includes Power Hour and Body Max. It will cost you a little more, but it is well worth the investment. These are two of Cathe's best ever. And having the extra videos, will give you a lot of options to your workouts.

Have fun!!!

Lisa :)
RE: Sony DVP-NC655P/S

Hey Normandy! With the advice of A-Jock and others on this forum I recently purchased the Sony 5-disc DVD player. I also found it at Best Buy. I have had it for about one month. My model number is DVP-NC615 and the information mentioned by Lisa at videofitness helped me know the right questions to ask. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed the workouts on DVD. They just open up so many workout options! It's crazy fun. Just remember you actually have to decide on a workout or a combination of workouts and DO it! It is so much fun thinking up different ways to mix and match the workouts in addition to the wonderful bonus combos and mix and match options already available on Cathe's DVD's. My husband thinks that I am absolutely out of my mind because I am always so excited about what workout I am going to do next or a rotation that looks interesting that I want to try. Anyway, if you invest in a DVD player, you will enjoy it. I look at it as a lifetime investment in health and fun!

P.S. I am pretty sure I paid under $150 for mine. I priced the DVD player on line and then called Best Buy to see if they had it.:p
RE: Sony DVP-NC655P/S

I'm confused. What is the difference between the $150 and the $50 DVD players? Naturally, more features, but exactly what advantage if I am just starting out with these tapes and very, very, very inexperienced at weightlifting!!!!

You folks sure are great with your advice.

RE: Sony DVP-NC655P/S

Hi, Normandy! I'm not sure about the existence of $50 DVD players (although it wouldn't surprise me), but the difference would certainly have to be the number of features including multi-disc capability, which enhances your ability to progress.

I think the advantage of getting a system that offers you more than you think you need is simply that, as you get more skilled at Cathe DVD's and strength training, you can grow into the choice options much more quickly . . . and not have to run out and purchase yet another unit. One mixed blessing of our high-tech world is that by the time something hits the big-box retail shelves in Tech Land, it's already obsolete (this is true with computers as well as entertainment technology), so it's usually a good idea to get more than you think you need if it doesn't break the bank.

From what I've seen, Cathe is the only video/DVD exercise producer who pays as much attention as she does to chaptering her DVD's for maximum consumer choices; the Intensity Series, having been produced with the latest DVD software, offers more chaptering and bonus features than she'd even first advertised. This is all to the good for the Normandy's, Fitness Goddesses and A-Jocks of the world, who value maximum choice in fitness options.

Just a few thoughts -

It really depends on what you want to do with the DVD Player. For people who just want to watch a movie (or exercise video), beginning to end, with FF/REW features similar to a VCR (minus the recording) then the low cost DVD player will work just fine.

One of the reviews on Video Fitness mentions that exercise enthusiasts sometimes look for different features than the average consumer who is buying DVD movies or cartoons. I LOVE the programming features, and really feel that it enhances my workout. True, I could do this with a VCR or a basic DVD player, but the transitions would not be so smooth, and I'd spend a lot of time rewinding and fast forwarding and switching tapes. For me, it was worth the extra expense to get the fancier player. Not everyone feels this way, understandable, but for an extra $100, it may be worth it to you to get something you can grow with.

Only you can decide what's best for you. The most important thing is making an effort to become more fit, and it sounds like you're doing that. It doesn't matter which road you choose, all paths lead in the same direction.

Lisa :)

Oh, if it helps, you can also play CDs on the DVD player, and the programming feature is great for this too.

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