Where to get a Stability Ball?


I know... I've seen it on here before but now that I need it I can't find it. What's that website where you can get reasonably prices stability balls and tubing and so forth?

Fitness Wholesale??? I thik the website is fwonline.com

I got my stability ball at Walmart - it was super cheap and very well-made (even came with the foot pump). If you've got a Walmart nearby, that's the way to go. :)
No I don't think that was the website but thanks. I already checked Walmart and all they have are the egg shaped ones. I'm not sure that would work. What do you think?
Hmmm, I have a regular stability ball from Walmart. Maybe they stopped selling those? Although I could have sworn I saw regular ones at our local Walmart recently. Oh well..

Fitness Wholesale IS a good place to buy fitness stuff cheap (got my Dyna Bands there), but I am not sure which website you are thinking of. There are so many! :)

The egg-shaped ball would probably work - but because of the shape, you wouldn't have to stabilize yourself as much, which means the workout wouldn't be as effective. IT would be a good beginner introduction to stability ball workouts.
www.power-systems.com is another online source, though fwonline.com may be cheaper.

The egg-shaped balls are more stable, which is actually not as effective as the less-stable balls. You want to work on developing your body's stabilizers, not on letting the ball stabilize you.
Yip that was the one but you're right fwonline.com is cheaper. I'll check Walmart again and if they don't have round balls I'll order one from fwonline.com

Thank you!!
I got mine from Wal-Mart. Since it doesn't say "burst-resistant" on the box, I use it only for core work and very light weight work, like the shoulder work in SS.


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