Where to buy supplements???


Hey educated supplement crowd.... where do ya' all prefer to buy your supplements? I am looking for some protein, pyruvate and some EAS stuff.

Any help will be MUCH appreciated!
Hey LuvCardio,

I should change my screen name & be your antithesis--HateCardio. LOL I really do, I am so cardio challenged everytime I see a post from you that's what I think! I hate cardio, as good as it is for me I must do it but I hate it. LOL But that's not what I came in to tell you...

I buy my stuff from Vitamin Shoppe. They are a national chain & you can find locations on their website--www.vitaminshoppe.com They have a free "frequent buyers" card that gives great discounts. EAS Myoplex Lite runs about normally runs $45 for 20 packets at their stores & GNC. However, with my card, I pay $29 (+ applicable sales tax).

Another good place that I've heard about is Vitamin World. They are also national & you can find them at www.vitaminworld.com. They also have a membership card (but I don't know the details of pricing). Their's works on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month & you can get Myoplex for $25 for 20 packets.

Hope that helps.
GNC has a gold membership program. I think it cost $15 for the year, and you can save an additional 20% during the first 7 days of the month. Their prices are usually 20% off already on the EAS products, so it's about 35% that first week. We try to buy the Myoplex shakes and bars at the beginning of the month, only. <g>.

Thanks so much guys! I just ordered a ton of stuff off of www.netrition.com

Some of their stuff was even cheaper than the EAS site. Their boxes of Myoplex packets are only $28.95 for a box of 20! Also, the Betagen is only $16.95. I paid $39.99 a month ago at GNC (of course it wasn't during the 1st 7 days of the month)!!! They also have CLA for only $18.95!

I bought the Grow protein from biotech since all of you gave me great reviews! I can't believe how cheap it is compared to Myoplex.

I ordered a few things from EAS directly as they were cheaper (I got the Myoplex LIte peanut crisp and cinnamon roll crisp bars... love those!) Also got the ready to drink shakes as they were cheaper on EAS! They were only $39.00 for 6 packs of 4! That is $20 bucks cheaper than if you were to buy them individually!

Thought I would also share some of the deals in case any of you are in the market for this stuff too!

I can't wait! Thanks for the great tips! I know I can always count on you guys.
I'm a member at Vitamin World. There's no cost. When you go in if you spend $20 or $25 during your first purchase you can automatically become a member. You get the card right on the spot, short form to fill out (so that you get the monthly flyer) and you start earning points that turn into dollars. So quarterly you'll recieve the mailer and within that mailer will be a certificate showing how many bonus dollars you've earned.

30% of days are the first Monday and Tuesday of each month and every once in a while there's an extra day thrown in there. For instance in April the bonus/extra day is the 1st and the regular sale days are the 7th and 8th.

Also every so often in the coupon section of the Sunday paper there will be a page of coupons for Vitamin World, different vitamins and other items (like Flaxseed Oil capsules, CoEnzyme Q10, Glucosamine, etc) at low, low prices and one coupon for 50% and one Vitamin World brand item. I collect those coupons from my sisters and a couple of co-workers and buy extra 5 lb. containers of their whey protein and the Protoplex Lite MRP - excellent deals. Just to give an example both the 5 lb. whey and Lite MRP sell for $29.99 each and with the coupons I was getting them for $15 each - so you can see why I was gathering coupons! :p Must be time for coupons to come out again as I am out of the MRP's and using my last jug of whey! :)
I buy most of my supplements from vitaglo.com.They have free shipping if you spend over $50.Quick service also.

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