Where did you go for you honeymoon?

Martha Rose is 11 years old, and developing into a beautiful young woman, in every way possible. Maddie (short for Madelaine) is an energetic and rising soccer star of 8. Love 'em to death.

Even after 14 years living in the US, I get comments every week upon my accent. Sometimes it is an excuse for people to tell me about lost family members of their own and do I know them by any chance back over there in Chester, Liverpool, hampton-by-Sea, whatever? I like it really and love chatting to people I meet in shops, cafe's and the like. And I like that I stand out and have maintained my native identity.

I have a very standarized South-east/London area, educated accent. But it is no longer quite as "posh" as some of the accents you might hear reporting on the BBC radio. Often, people ask me if I am Australian?!?!

Er....no, actually. Smile.

It will be 10years 10/14 that my hubby and I traveled the world for our honeymoon via Epcot center in Orlando that is ;-) . Yes we went to Disney for a week and stayed at the Polynesian Resort. It was a wonderful time and when the staff knows you are honeymooners you get extra special attention! This October we are revisiting Disney World only this time it will be with a 7yr old and 2year old.
Not married, but my dream honeymoon would be to go to Europe, stay in Lucerne Switzerland (one of the most beautiful little towns I've ever seen!) and make short trips from that base. Though spending 6 hours on a plane doesn't seem like a great honeymoon activity for me (maybe this trip would be taken a week or so after the wedding).
We went to Paradise Island in the Bahamas. This was 23 years ago, and before the huge Atlantis Resort that is there now. When we were there, it was a much smaller hotel and it was called "Britannia Beach". It was absolutely beautiful. I think maybe it was even better back then because it was so much more undeveloped.
Nancy....wow....a very amazing story.

We went to Lake Tahoe in Dec 1980. It was absolutely beautiful. I did want to cut it a day short though. Had this huge desire to set up house in our new place after moving 600 miles north...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/fsc/clap2.gif[/img]....Carole
>It will be 10years 10/14 that my hubby and I traveled the
>world for our honeymoon via Epcot center in Orlando that is
>;-) . Yes we went to Disney for a week and stayed at the
>Polynesian Resort.

It will be 10 years for us 10/21! And we went to Disneyland. Cute, when you said you traveled the world via Epcot. :) We actually went to Laguna Niguel and stayed at the Ritz, but we did go to Disneyland one day. We had an ocean's view. It was just beautiful there. That's as far as I could get my dh to fly. He won't even fly now after 9/11.

Nancy, what a story. How happy, but sad at the same time.

Nancy - that's an amazing story!

We went to Hawaii for ten days and San Francisco for three days on our way back to New Jersey. It was an awesome trip and I'm glad that we made up our minds to spend the money then. We've always said we would be back, and now ten years later, haven't made the trip yet!
My DH and I married on New Year's Eve 1998, but waited 4 months to take our honeymoon to Costa Rica. We stayed at a wonderful resort but had the most fun wandering "off the reservation" and down the beach. Costa Rica is so beautiful with iguanas and parrots everywhere, and the people made us feel so welcome. What a great week!;-)
Wow these are all great! dh and i hope to do an Italy trip about 20 years from now when our lives slow down long enough. I have always wanted to go there.

thanks for sharing everyone. i liked reading about this:D

Clare, London is a wonderful place to visit! It was even better than I expected. I could have spent a month there and not seen it all.
We have been saving to do our wedding in santorini and spend a few days on the different greek islands.

I have a question for anyone who got married abroad...jes comes to mind. Did you have anyone else attend or did you guys decide to keep it small and private?? We have been going back and forth on if we should send out announcements or invitations since its so expensive to travel.

I, like Clare, was 7 months preggars, so we couldn't go anywhere! We were so young, we didn't have money to go anywhere anyways but when we finally did, we went to Cocoa Beach, Fl (which would have been great, but I started the day after we got there x( .)

It was so wonderful! On our 5 year anniversary, he gave me a gift. I unwrapped that huge box. Then another box. Then another box. And another box untill I finally got to a notebook he created. Inside it, there was a different poem on each page that confessed his love and gave a clue as to where what the real gift was.

I was totally clueless!

so he gave me another box that had tanning oil and a package of cocoa in it. I was thinking WTH??? A place that is so hot you need tanning oil yet so cold you needed to stay warm with hot cocoa??? I am blonde you guys, okay?

Anyways, he finally told me what it was, had made the plans MONTHS in advance and already had babysitting lined up! Not only that, he made reservations for us to go horseback riding ON THE BEACH!!!!! To top it all off, we saw dolphins on that ride (which I am sure he movedd heavn and earth to construct somehow!) He is the most awesome hubby in the world!

Since then we have been to Vegas that Grand Canyon. My favorite was the Florida trip!

Another Disney vacation person. My parents were willing to let DH and I use their time share and this was the only place warm we could find in November. We got married 6 months after our engagement and I promise every time share in every island was booked. We did have fun at Disney World though.

We went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It was very hot, but absolutely wonderful. We had a friend of a friend there who took us on tours, spoke the language, treated us like royalty!! I loved this vacation!
we did not invite anyone to join us. alot of people were pissed about that, but it was OUR day, hence, we did what we wanted to. dh and i are not religous people, though that is not to say we are not spiritual.....make sense? we didn't want church, we wanted nature, ocean, the power of the moon...we are emotionally private people and we wanted our vows to be secret and only between us. it was perfect and i recommend to anyone contemplating your wedding day...DO IT YOUR WAY FOR YOURSELVES! your parents had their own weddings:) we are having a big reception for friends and family in sep. though so they can celebrate our union. HTH

Las Vegas. It was his first time there and my third or fourth (can't recall now). I would have rather gone just about anywhere else but you make sacrifices.

We married in 1983 and went to Cancun before it was a resort town. It was a littles mexican town at that time with an awesome beach. We ate at all local places, there wer no malls yet. It was Christmas time and very romantic.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
We went to Maui for 5 days and stayed at a fantastic resort with a very private beach - the sea turtles would come up to a cluster of rocks just past the shore line at 2:00 everyday, they were amazing to watch - so big yet gracefull. Then we went to Kauai for 8 days and stayed in a condo on the beach. We did a private helicopter tour of the island (our helicopter had no doors!), they took us up to a remote waterfall where we swam and had a picnic lunch - It was HEAVEN!!...although I gained close to 10lbs - damn Maitai's!

We're planning to go back for our 10 year anniversary but I'm hoping to convince him to go sooner, before we start our family :)
Jes, I've known other people who did it that way, or only invited a small group to the ceremony and then had a larger reception afterwards. It is such a lovely idea, and so meaningful. Your wedding just sounds perfect in every possible way.

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