Where can I buy a barbell set?


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I just ordered the PS series & I would like to invest in a barbell set so I can increase my weight as I get stronger. I am not sure where I can get one at the best price or who sells them? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Hi Amy!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-00 AT 05:06PM (EST)</font></center>

I really don't remember how much I paid ($80-100??), but I got a very nice (good quality) set at Exercare. Do they have those near you? If not, I would think that most sporting goods would carry them. I did get a very good price on a set at Sam's Club some time ago, but it is not the quality that my other set is. It is by BodyPump. (Actually, I bought two! I know that sounds spoiled, but I got the sets for $10.00 each) It is okay for I would say up to 40-50 pounds. It was such a good buy I couldn't resist and now I am sooo glad I bought them because I have all 3 of my sets loaded with different weights. It sure saves time on changing the weight plates. I'm not sure where you are located or if you even have Sam's Club, but I do know that the sets sold out very quickly in a lot of the areas. Nothing like getting you all excited to burst your bubble. You might want to call to see if POSSIBLY they would have any left. Maybe someone else can give you some more suggestions. Also, I believe if you got to the home page, you can click on products and possibly find barbell sets. Good Luck!!

(Hi Amy~I just looked at the home page & it is actually BUYER'S GUIDE that you would click on. It is located right under the large picture of Cathe!) Sorry, for being soo long winded!
Hi Amy

I don't know how much weight your'e trying to get but I picked up a barbell set at Target for only $50. It has the barbell itself plus 2-25lb weights, 4-10lb weights and 4-5lb weights as well as two small bars so that you can make dumbbells. Total weight is only 115 lbs but i've found for just starting out with weights that's all I can handle. I've seen something also similar at Sports Authority. Hope this helps.
Thank you!

Thanks for the help! I will have to check out Sports Authority..... That sounds like a great set....


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