Where are "Pics of the Day?"

Deb D

Dear Cathe-
I went away for the weekend and came home to all sorts of new stuff on the website! Yow! Just want to know where the Pics of the day went. Also, I just want you to know how silly this customer of yours is: I went to the "wallpaper" icon on your sight thinking,"Geesh, people would actually put Cathe wallpaper in their home? Thats love!" Well, of course, you know what I found when I actually got there....Thanks, I love it, uhm, for my computer not for my walls :}. Deb
Hi Deb!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-00 AT 11:16PM (EST)</font></center>

You're funny. The wallpaper story cracked me up. Anyway, the "pic of the day" had to be put on the back burner for now since we needed to focus on todays ON LINE TV launch. I'll see if we can get back to those pic's soon again, but can't promise. Thanks for understanding !
Hubby Loves the wallpaper!

Dear Cathe--

Boy, was my husband ever surprised to see you on the front of our computer screen! My husband is a National Ski Patrol and would every summer begin his "gotta get fit for the ski season" campaign. Well, two years ago I bought Body Max and six months later the PS series.I used them in conjunction with my running program to lose 65lbs. At first, I went at it alone and then he made the same progresses that I did. He had never been able to walk much less run anywhere for very long. WELL, Cathe, after four months of PS legs he had totally rehabilitated his knee problem and now runs 12 mi. a week! He, of course,does the other tapes in the series and has been very diligent about his workouts with you. Now here's the cool part: My husband is one of the most humble and pragmatic people I know and do you know what he said to me last night? " Deb, what I'm about to say is kind of embarrassing, but, I feel really great about the way I look." Ahhhh, Cathe, fitness is a marvelous thing. And muscles are very sexy. Thank you for helping my husband and me feel like we are 20 again! Deb
Wow, thats great!

I'm truly inspired by the two of you and your dedication to a healthy and fit lifestyle. You have made my night

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